Cat Health What Should Be Your Major Concern

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As you have probably realized by now, just like dogs and children, cats are a responsibility for the handling of which it is vital that you have some cat health knowledge.

<b>Cat Health</b> What Should Be Your Major Concern

First of all, each cat should be taken to the veterinarian once in a while, to make sure there are no genetically transmitted diseases to worry about and no local afflictions that can influence your cats wellbeing.

But in order for the relation with your veterinarian to work, it is vital that you pay attention to your cats needs and reactions, to identify any signs of disease and be able to take measures while there is still time. From this point of view, there are a few aspects you need to consider, that have a lot to do with the changes in a cats behavior.

What you may take as a sign of precarious cat health, could in fact be just the result of the age. Just like people, cats go through different stages of behavior, characteristic to certain periods of their life. If you want your cat to live longer, make sure you know what it is going through. The three stages your cat goes through, kittenhood, maturity and senior years should be dealed with accordingly, with changes in the daily schedule, feeding and exercising.

No matter the age, always pay attention to your cat's weight. A chubby cat may appear fluffy and adorable, like a soft and silky ball of fur you want to keep in your arms all day long, but just like people, cats need to have a balance when it comes to their weight, as a few extra pounds might cost you a couple of years from your cats life, and that can be easily prevented by feeding your cat regularly and responsibility.

The shortest way to excellent cat health is to build a well thought out balanced routine. That means spending time with your cat on a daily basis, feeding it at regular hours and based on a varied vitamin and mineral rich diet, and making sure your cat exercises enough. For some cats, exercising could consist in a short walk in the park or around the garden. For others, climbing trees and running around the neighborhood could be more appropriate. Whatever the case, exercising is good both for your cat and for your nerves.

Also, it is very important that you keep an eye on your cat all the time, to notice any bad cat health symptoms, like vomiting. Cats dont throw up often, and if they do it repeatedly, things can get real serious. To prevent that, call the veterinarian whenever you notice something strange about your cat. And although the services can be a little expensive, remember that is better to prevent than to fight a disease.

But if your cat displays the same incredible appetite, good mood, well-toned body, speed, strength, grace and agility, there is probably nothing to worry about, because cat health issues have a strong impact on cat behavior.

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