Adopting from a Cat Rescue Center

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True animal lovers don't buy cats from pet shops; they turn to cat rescue centers and adopt a stray cat. When you truly love animals, it's not really about the pedigree. It's more about the cat, its personality, its well-being, and, more importantly, it's about knowing that you have helped an animal in need.

Adopting from a Cat Rescue Center

However, just like with any other type of decision, the decision of adopting a stray cat comes with some aspects that need to be considered.

Cat rescue is something that looks and sounds great in theory. However, you have to bear in mind that when adopting a stray animal, whether a cat or something else, you might never know and you might not find anyone who knows where that animal has been before reaching your home. Even if the animal looks clean and healthy enough and doesn't act like it is ill, it is a good idea to check everything immediately after the adoption. Even if you know the shelter that you have adopted it from and you trust its employees, you have to consider that they have more than one animal to look after. They often don't have the time or the means to check the pet for all the possible problems it may have.

This is why, immediately after adopting a cat from a cat rescue center, you have to schedule a vet appointment. Check all possible options, from fleas to the most serious diseases. That way, if anything happens, you will be on top of things, prepared to take care of your new pet.

Personality issues
The problem with stray animals is that most of them have been in a series of difficult events that tend to create personality issues. If an animal has been a part of an abusive setting, it is very likely that, at best, it will act extremely cautious towards any new environment. At worst, it will be aggressive and territorial.

Similarly with humans, these issues can be fixed, and we can assume that if you are adopting from a cat rescue center, you are inclined to love and nurture animals. You will have to be especially patient in these kinds of cases to prove to your cat that your intentions are all good and that you will be a supportive and understandable person in their life. As with people who have been through rough situations, reaching out to animals that come from a tough environment will take a lot of time, but the end results are worth it.

However, if you do not notice any improvement in your cat's behavior after a longer period of time, you may want to consider the option of a naturally aggressive personality. Not all animals are naturally gentle, and there are cats that are more inclined towards behavioral issues than others. Take that into consideration and be a little cautious if that is the case. The purpose of adopting a cat from a cat rescue center is not to get you hurt, but to save a life.

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