Choose an Enjoyable Cat Scratching Post

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A cat scratching post is what your cat needs in order to satisfy its most natural instinct to scratch.

Choose an Enjoyable Cat Scratching Post

When you have decided to adopt a cat, you must be sure you have found out enough things in order to keep your pet happy. Things like personality, breed features, food or favorite activities are essential in order to have a healthy and full of life pet.

It is very well known that cats need to scratch. This is part of their nature and they can not help it. The owner must acknowledge this important feature of their cats personality and make sure they provide such posts that enable their beloved friends to feel natural.

Two main reasons why you should buy a cat scratching post

1. It makes your cat feel comfortable and more natural.

These scratching posts are, in fact, a real help, as they enable cats to sharpen their nails and communicate as they would normally do into an all natural environment.

2. It keeps you from buying new pieces of furniture.

When inside, cats tend to adapt in order to satisfy their needs, so they will easily find a good place to scratch, so eventually your furniture will end up severely damaged if nothing better and more exciting comes up, like a very attractive, fun to use scratching post.

Important functional features to look for when you buy a cat scratching post

** It must be durable
** It must allow full stretch
** It should be made of fibrous sisal to make it all so natural
** It should be high enough for the cat to stretch vertically
** It should be easy to assemble and with spare parts

Thus your cat will have both a place to scratch and a favorite toy. Some posts are designed in such a way that they also provide a nice place to nap. There are all sorts of fun designs, easy to adapt to your home conditions. Mats and pads are ideal for small places, but still sturdy enough for quite a lot of activities. If you have enough room, you can choose the tree designs, extremely attractive and fun.

Cats are animals with strong personality. It may sometimes get difficult to make them give up old habits like scratching the furniture and use the cat scratching post instead. They may not show the slightest interest at first, but in the end they will discover that such a post is actually much more fun than it looks like.

A favorite toy or a favorite place may help you gain your cats interest in any new thing you have bought for your dear friend. So, it may be a really good idea to place the scratching post near the place where she likes to sleep or near the piece of furniture that she likes to scratch.

You will be amazed at how a simple cat scratching post will make your cat feel much happier (and your furniture much safer), as it brings together something that they need scratching - and something that they like playing.

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