Cat Training The Way for You to Reach to Your Cats Heart

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Usually, there is no need for cat training even if you have just adopted a cat from the shelter and it seems rather wild and untamed. Some even say that it is almost impossible to train a cat. But specialized websites or trainers are ready to provide efficient tips if you decide your cat needs some basic training.

Cat Training The Way for You to Reach to Your Cats Heart

However, keep in mind that your cat may require a different approach it has been through some rough experiences:

** orphaned kittens

** cats that have been abused ** suffering cats (either from physical illness or emotional conflicts)
** cats that have been living outdoors for a long time

Any of the situations mentioned above will render your cat's training quite challenging.
It is very important to realize that cat training is extremely different from dog training. Cats never play dead, catch ball, rollover or do things on command. However, it is essential that you train your cat to use the litter tray, for example, or not to meow for food. You need to be extremely patient and to understand that cats have strong personalities that sometimes make them seem very stubborn. Repetition is the only way to get some results in training your cat, as well as being firm when you ask her to do things.

The three golden rules

Before starting the training sessions, you must understand that there are three very important rules in cat training: 1. Restriction never gets good results when educating people or when training animals. So you must avoid restrictive commands. Try and replace them in such a manner that your commands gently induce your cats to act as you would like them to. Repetition will help your pet to accommodate to the new situation.
2. Training sessions are meant to strengthen the relationship of the owner with the cat. It is important that your cat trusts you and learns how to listen to you. Remember to also add some fun to the training process.
3. Behavioral problems may have other causes than stubbornness. That is why you should make sure your cat is perfectly healthy before starting the training.

Dos and donts in cat training


** Show them that any alternative behavior, other than the one you are showing to them is not permitted.
** Be firm and constant in what you are doing.
** Use harmless methods
** Start early for better results
** Start immediately after the cat has settled in the new home
** Make sure it is a healthy, trainable cat


** Don't traumatize your cat during training sessions
** Don't annoy, stress, force a cat into doing things they obviously do not want to do.
** Don't use severe punishment and fear as an instrument for training.

Remember that, if you want to see some results, cat training should be fun both for the trainer and for the trainee - this is the only way it will work.

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