Cats Are Special Animals

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Cats are definitely not for everybody. Before deciding to become a cat owner, one must ask oneself if one is ready to take this responsibility. There are several reasons for which not everybody is able to become a cat owner: The first reason has to do with someone being willing to be “owned” by his cat.

Cats Are Special Animals

An old saying states that humans do not own cats but that it is rather the other way around. This could not be truer. Unlike other animals, the cat does not submit to humans and will change their target of affection from one family member to another, depending on who provides it with the most benefits. Also, the cat will not eat what you want it to eat, will not seat where you want it to seat and certainly, will not behave as you would like it to behave.

The second reason has to do with ones willingness to accept its complex nature.
Cats are intelligent, self-sufficient animals. This is what cat lovers admire at these superb creatures. However, their complex nature is not fully understood by everybody: they accept humans around them and enjoy being cuddled and taken care of, but will never fully belong to their owners as dogs do. These animals will maintain a certain degree of independence their entire life, even if they will never leave home. You will never know what your cat will do next, since in its bright, ever alert eyes, nothing can ever be read. And most importantly, you will never be able to truly train it. The cat does what it wants to do, when it wants to do it, and you will never be able to fully control it.

The third and last reason has to do with its temperament
Unlike dogs, they will never accept an unpleasant treatment, not even when it comes from their owners. They will bite, scratch and fight back whenever they feel “offended” by your actions. Depending on the breed, a cat may be tolerant (up to a certain extent!) or very touchy. Children, who may tease them while playing, are the most often “victims” of a cats powerful personality. Thus, children should be taught how to treat the cat in order to avoid being scratched. And no, cats cannot be taught how to treat children.

Because of these unique characteristics, cats are not loved by everybody. Those who want an obeying pet will always chose a dog. Yet, there are so many people who love their feline friends more than anything! This is because cats, with their powerful personalities, with their playful nature and their beautiful, elegant looks may brighten your mood in a second and are certainly never boring to have around.

The cat is a special and unique kind of pet. Respect it, treat it kindly and you will have a wonderful companion for many years to come. Cats will never see us as masters, but they are ready to become our best friends.

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