Help a Feral Cat and Be a Part of the Solution

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What exactly is a feral cat?

In many cases, feral cats are mistaken for stray cats, but there is a difference between them. A feral cat is the offspring of a domesticated cat that has returned to the wild and has had very limited human contact, therefore has reverted to instinctively wild behavior. A stray cat is an abandoned or lost pet that does not necessarily have to be unfriendly with humans. It may appear untamed as a result of abuse and fear, and, like feral cats, it may defend itself by hissing and growling.

Help a Feral Cat and Be a Part of the Solution

Sometimes, feral cats live in communities or colonies known under the term of clowder. The number of cats in such a community can vary from 3 to 25. Most of them will hide in alleyways and parks.

The Humane Society of the United States estimates a population of 50 million feral cats within the United States. Therefore, reducing their number should be everybodys concern. The only way to keep under control the number of animals in any community is by spaying and neutering. It has been proven that extermination is not a solution. In parts of Australia and America there has been a long debate on exterminating feral cats in order to protect wildlife environment and endangered bird species. However, eliminating cats will only lead to growing population of rabbits, rats, mice and pigeons considered to be pest species.

Can you tame a feral cat?

Through regular contact and providing them with food and care, you can tame feral cats, but this requires a great deal of patience. They have to be placed in a quiet, understanding environment, with other cats as companions. However, not all feral cats can be tamed - some of them may remain feral forever. Some will bond only with the original caretaker and never befriend a stranger.

Kittens will be easier to domesticate. In order for them to become friendly, they should be handled from a very early age. The taming process may last longer depending on the age and degree of wildness. Moreover, one should keep in mind that different cats have very different temperaments, therefore they should not be approached in the same manner.

How can you help feral cats?

If you can not afford to spay or neuter the feral cat that you care about, you should find an organization that can help you or a veterinary that can provide this service at a low cost. You can also get involved by volunteering for such an organization, donating or raising funds. Significant help may consist in educating people about the importance and efficiency of spaying and neutering. Some people can be hostile towards this method of birth control. They enjoy watching the feral kittens from a distance, but most of them do not have the patience or the ability to help them; they should realize that approximately 90% of them die in their first year because of their fragile immune systems. Others consider sterilization as unnatural and interfering with natures balance, but this is the most effective way to manage their number and prevent other generations of feral cats be subjected to numerous health problems.

But neutering is not the most difficult part in helping these animals. The taming process of a feral cat is the hardest one, but it gives you the satisfaction of saving a life and offering love and affection.

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