Homeopathy for Cats

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Homeopathy for cats is a type of holistic therapy that implies the administration, in small doses, of a certain medication that would normally induce the respective disease if applied on a healthy animal and in large doses. However, some practitioners may use it in higher doses, depending on the bodys response and tolerance to the medicine.

<b>Homeopathy for Cats</b>

Homeopathy differs from traditional medicine, acting as a healing stimulus, rather than counteracting symptoms. Homeopathy can clearly improve physical appearance and overall health state of cats, which seem, in many cases, to react better to this kind of therapy than to traditional drugs.

Doctors perceive homeopathy remedies differently. While most of them will not agree on their use, some of them state that they are worth trying when previous medication has failed.

Since its very beginnings around 1813, homeopathy for animals has been studied and developed extensively. Nowadays, there are several thousands available homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat a variety of conditions.

The homeopathic consultation process is more complex than a usual consultation. Homeopathy for cats is a holistic therapy, which means that apart from a full body examination from head to tail, the health of the mind is also of great importance. There are several factors to be taken into account before deciding to a homeopathy treatment. Cats behavior in different situations and different environments, habits and lifestyle and especially diet and previous medical history can offer valuable information in choosing the most appropriate homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathy for cats can show positive results in various diseases and disorders, among which we can mention allergies, skin disease, chronic infections, stomach disorders and viral diseases, paralysis and even cancer. Homeopathy has proven to be effective also in treating anemia, arthritis, behavioral problems, feline urological syndrome, kidney disease and injuries.

One thing people should know about homeopathy is that it takes time and requires lots of patience. In a chronic condition, traditional medicine may be more effective than homeopathy, showing result more quickly. On the other hand, in some cases, a homeopathic remedy will work quickly. This usually happens in acute diseases. An acute disease should be treated in a fast manner with a proper homeopathic remedy.

A great advantage of homeopathic treatments over the conventional ones is the fact that it cannot provoke antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations. At the beginning of the treatment, the condition of the animal may appear to aggravate, but this is only the effect of the healing process.

You should keep in mind that homeopathy for cats should not be considered replacement to veterinary medicine. It is an alternative to conventional medicine that should be applied only after consulting a trustful and specialized source and preferably if the traditional medicine has failed. You should always consult your vet before administering any homeopathic medication. Choosing a competent homeopath is very important because improper homeopathic treatment can sometimes cause more damage than conventional medicine.

In situations of extreme illness, homeopathy for cats may be the answer, just remember to consult your vet and get well informed on the best remedy for your pets medical condition.

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