Choosing the Purrfect Name for Your Cat

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When looking for popular cat names, you might find it harder than you thought it would be to decide on one.

Choosing the Purrfect Name for Your Cat

Names define personality, feelings, desires, and they are a representation of the trust and bond between people and animals; this is why, when it comes to naming your cat, you may have some trouble. Some people name their pets very easily and seem to have a special gift for picking the right name that best describes the cats characteristics, whether connected to appearance or personality.

When you encounter difficulties in naming your cat, you may want to take a look across the internet which is a rich source of information when it comes to popular cat names. There are a lot of websites that organize names alphabetically or by other criteria: gender, origin, color, breed and many other characteristics that define a cat.

Of course, popular cat names differ from language to language, from nation to nation, and not all of them maintain their popularity when crossing the borders.

Sometimes, the cat will guide you into choosing the most appropriate name, but you have to observe its behavior and personality closely; this way, your task will become easier to accomplish.

Keep in mind several factors when in search for the right name for your cat:

- It has to be a name you should be happy with and one you will not get tired of. Keep in mind that you will be calling your cat many times a day.
- In order to be more appealing, the name should suit the cat's personality or appearance
- The name of your pet will show how you perceive your cat and how you relate to it. The name you choose says as much about you as it does about your cat.
- Pick a name that can be easily recognized by your cat, preferably a short word composed of one or two syllables. It will be much easier for the cat to learn it and respond to it. Cats do recognize their names, even though they do not always come when you call them - after all, they are cats.
- Be patient, wait a couple of days to get to know each other. Observe how the cat reacts in different situations and sometimes the name will come by itself.
- Picture your pet in a year or two and make sure the name you choose today will fit it next year.
- You should try to inspire from various sources: the internet, movies, books, places you've been, things that have a meaning for you and your family.

Surprisingly, surveys show that more than half of the popular cat names are either human names or nicknames. Pet owners tend to name their cats, the names they would give themselves or to their children.

Naming your cat may be a tricky task, you may spend hours, days, even weeks trying to find the perfect name, but you can always search for popular cat names over the internet.

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