What Does Spaying a Cat Entail and Is It Good for the Animal

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Many cat lovers ask themselves if spaying a cat is really necessary and if it helps the animal. To be able to answer this question, people should know exactly what spaying an animal actually means.

What Does Spaying a Cat Entail and Is It Good for the Animal

Spaying is the term usually used in the case of females, referring to the surgical procedure that removes all or an important part of the reproductive organs of the animals. In the case of males, this procedure is often called neutering or castration. There are many sterilizing methods these days that pet owners choose in order to stop their pets from giving birth to litters they do not want.

Why is spaying a cat a positive thing?
Spaying cats has been done for many years now for various reasons, including personal ones but also the needs of the community.

1. One of the major reasons spaying cats is becoming very popular these days is the increase in the number of abandoned cats that cannot be taken in animal shelters. Believe it or not, a male cat and a female one can have hundreds of kittens in just a few years. This leads to the overpopulation of animal shelters with unwanted cats that cannot find an owner to adopt them.
2. It is a pity to see so many cats suffering on the streets, when their birth can be controlled with the spaying procedure. This is why most animal shelters recommend new cat owners to spay the cat they adopt, or the staff even sterilizes them before giving them for adoption.
3. Spaying a cat is cost-effective. Even though the spaying procedure can cost the owner a large sum of money, the cost is less important than what he would have to pay for the abortion or the treatment of the kittens and the mother.
4. The owner can avoid the inconveniences that having a cat going into heat causes. A cat in heat can have a bad temperament, can become aggressive and can cause mess in the house. If the owner doesnt want kittens, there is no need to put up with all these.
What does spaying a cat involve?
This procedure can be done either surgically or non-surgically. The surgical procedure involves the removal of the reproductive organs of the cat either completely or partially. This means that the cat will no longer be able to reproduce. Moreover, it will not go into heat or develop any of the ovulation symptoms.

The non-surgical procedure involves vaccinating the female cat, which has as a result blocking the sperm from fertilizing the egg. The procedure is only temporary and the cat will experience all the symptoms related to ovulation. If you are considering adopting a cat, you should choose to spay it from the beginning. Some veterinarians say it is good to wait for it to be at least six moths old, but more and more people sterilize cats even when they are younger. This is because it is better for them to avoid the problems an unexpected birth can cause.

To conclude with, spaying a cat is not a difficult procedure, and it can be beneficial both for the owner and the pet, so there's really no need to worry.

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