Abruzzenhund Dogs

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If you are looking to buy a dog and haven't decided on the breed, you might consider buying an Abruzzenhund dog. The breed personifies the exact qualities that make us look for a dog in the first place: they are loyal, intelligent, and incredibly brave among other things. Also, unlike most dogs, they can be affectionate without becoming suffocating or too dependent on their owners. If you are looking for safety, they are also very good guard dogs - especially taking into consideration the fact that they manage to avoid creating conflicts with your neighbors by not barking at everyone in sight.

<b>Abruzzenhund Dogs</b>

Abruzzenhund dogs: general characteristics

The breed, despite its German-sounding name, is actually of Italian origin and is also known as the Pastore Abruzzese in its homeland. Fit to be family pets but also guard dogs for animal herds, they are quite tall - reaching 28 inches in height on average. Usually light-colored, they resemble white wolves, not just in looks but also in personality - although they are obviously much more peaceful. They do not require extensive care as compared to dogs of other breeds, and are usually quite easy to keep.

As far as character goes, Abruzzenhund dogs are among the most loyal dog breeds you will ever be able to find. They can be quite determined and manage to maintain a dignified appearance, despite their occasionally playful moods. They are usually somber and have well-balanced personalities - managing to avoid excesses that other dog breeds are known for.

Very intelligent by nature, they will need to be taught respect rather than obedience, because they will not be listening to your commands otherwise. Because of this, they are rarely used as entertainment dogs. You will need to be consistent in your behavior towards them. Otherwise, you may be losing the respect you gained in their eyes and, similar with humans, it will be very difficult to regain it.

Abruzzenhund dogs will be cautious, but not aggressive to strangers - which is why they make for efficient but not over-zealous guard dogs. They are patient and friendly with other pets, so you will not need to keep them isolated. However, they will need their occasional space - so be sure that they either have a large backyard to walk around or are taken out for walks on a regular basis. While out for a walk, make sure they can move around as freely as possible, and try to restrain them as little as possible. The advantage of such a treatment will be that the dog will be considerably more well-behaved inside the house.

In short
If you want a companion instead of a toy, a friend instead of a servant, and a dog that you will actually grow to respect instead of just own, this is definitely the breed to go for. Very intelligent, very similar to humans in many respects and yet much more loyal, Abruzzenhund dogs will definitely not fail to earn your love and consideration.

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