The Aidi Dog A Perfect Watchdog

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Of Moroccan origin, the Aidi dog evolved as a watchdog for herds of goats and sheep. For this reason, it has heightened senses that are very good at detecting threats and its instincts are perfectly in tune, resulting in a speedy and efficient reaction. These characteristics are also perfect for a hunting dog - so it is also very good at filling that role. Very courageous, this breed has evolved in the Morrocan mountains, protecting itself and its owners from many vicious predators like wildcats, but also from strangers. Also called the Berber (it was commonly used by Berber tribes), this breed is very similar to Pariah dogs - to which it is believed to be related.

The Aidi Dog A Perfect Watchdog

Characteristics of the Aidi dog
Not one of the most pretentious dog breeds, the Berber dog is still a national pride for Moroccans, who have recently begun to protect its purity. Historically a watchdog, it has now begun to be commonly used as a house pet. It is suitable to be one, if kept active and busy, as required by his personality.

Berber dogs can reach up to 25 inches in height and usually weigh around 55 pounds. They are very muscular and are very well protected by their coat - which is very thick and resists to all kinds of weather. Originating from the cold Atlas Mountains, the dog can very well spend all his life outside. Its bear-like head is perfectly shaped to be aggressive towards any threats, but also to hunt its prey, if used for hunting. It can come in many colors - white, black, brown, red or brindle.

The Aidi dog is very protective of its masters and is also very energetic. It is an extraordinary watchdog - it can stay awake for a long time and it maintains its alertness even when not. You can definitely feel safe with such a dog guarding your back yard. If you don't want it to be too aggressive, though, you should be very careful with its training - it should be kind but firm.

Since it is constantly ready for action, you should make sure to keep it entertained - play with him, take it out and give him plenty of things to do. Although, for a very long time, it has not been considered among the noble breeds, the appreciation for the Aidi dog has recently raised and clubs have been formed to protect it.

In short...
It is probably not the cutest or most beautiful breed you could acquire, but it will definitely be very good at doing what dogs have been doing for humans since the beginning of times: protect you. You will have a great relationship with it if you keep it active and it will be perfectly content with you as a master, without having many other special requirements. Healthy and strong, the Aidi dog will help you and your family stay safe but it will also prove to be a loyal and faithful companion.

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