Choose the Airedale Terrier as a Pet and Say Good-Bye to Boredom

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“The King of the Terriers”, the Airedale terrier comes from Airedale, Yorkshire, England, and it is the largest of the terrier breeds. It comes from crossing the old and vanished breeds of the Black-and-Tan terrier with the Otterhound. It is also said that they have the Manchester terrier in their blood. They were initially bred to hunt otters (reason for which they are also called the Waterside Terrier) and hares in the valley of the Aire river - that also gave its name to the breed - and to herd sheep, being both shepherd and hunting dogs.

Choose the <b>Airedale Terrier</b> as a Pet and Say Good-Bye to Boredom

The Airedale terrier has a long straight head, with V-shaped eyes, and tan ears, and has a double coating, namely a medium black and tan coat with a harsh topcoat and a soft undercoat. The back, sides and upper parts of its body are usually black or dark grizzle, while the rest of the fur is tan. Some dogs have a small white blaze on the chest. The loose hair should be plucked twice a year, but they actually require a good brush everyday. The beard should be washed everyday, because of the food that tends to stick to it.

The Airedale terrier is a long legged dog, the largest of the British terriers. The male dogs measure 22-24 inches (55-60cm), while the females are a little smaller. The males weigh 50-60 pounds (23-29 kg) and the females 40-45 pounds (18-20 kg).

They are strong powerful dogs, with a great capacity of learning new games, and a 10-12 years life expectancy, similar with other breeds of the same size. The females give birth to 9 puppies on average. The puppies are very joyful and inquisitive.

The Airdale terrier is brave, intelligent and proves highly adaptable - this is why it needs a firm master in order not to become stubborn and dominant. Well trained, such a dog can be the best choice for a family pet. Being kind to children and ready to play with them at anytime, both protective and friendly, these terriers are good pets, especially if they are given the early chance at exposure and socialization.

Most of them love to play with a ball or retrieve objects. Because they are very active dogs, they need long daily walks in order to maintain their weight, and their mood does not make them very suitable for apartment living. Mental stimulation, games and hunting are essential for this intelligent breed. Any lack of attention can make them get into trouble and, if unattended properly, they are able to trash your garden or house in a single day.

The Airedale's attitude towards strangers ranges from polite to friendly, but even the most friendly ones tend to be vigilant watchdogs. In relation with the other dogs, most of them are aggressive. Rabbits, rodents, and cats are not the wisest chosen companions for this breed.

The Airedale is mostly a healthy dog and visits to the veterinarian should be scarce, more for periodical vaccination. Like most of the terriers, they have a great propensity towards dermatitis caused by licking themselves excessively or by having the wrong diet. If you consider taking an Airedale terrier home, your only concern should be whether or not you can provide him with enough exercise and mental stimulation and if you have enough time to spend on grooming it.

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