The American Staghound

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A Great Hunter and a Loyal Friend

The American Staghound, as all staghounds, is bred for a main purpose: to hunt. It is a resistant hunter, able to pursue the game for long distances. That is because this breed has a very muscular body, long legs and deep chest.

<b>The<i> American Staghound</i></b>

These dogs can be found in any assortment of colors, the main recognized types being shag (looking like the Scottish Deerhound's coat), slick (resembling the Greyhound's coat) and broken (something between the first two).

The breed was obtained by breeding greyhounds with Scottish Deerhounds, but the percentage of each is not very easy to be established. The breed was not obtained by intercrossing a pure Scottish Deerhound with a pure Greyhound, as a direct descendant of these dogs - it was obtained after several breeding processes.

The American Staghound was first bred in America for chasing quarry, as an entertainment; later, when owners found out that it can easily chase coyotes, it became very appreciated by hunters, who realized that this breed is also very useful in hunting rabbits, deer and other wild animals.

The breed's most interesting gift is its visual acuity combined with its remarkable scent inherited from the Scottish Deerhound. These dogs are as fast as greyhounds, but they have much greater endurance in chasing the hunt than the latter. When they are hunting, they used all their resources to reach their goals.

The American Staghound is not an apartment dog, being much too energetic to be kept in small spaces. These dogs need physical exercise at least twice a day, as the major priority is to fulfill their need to run. This need makes them perfect companions for those who like long bike rides or jogging in the park. They can easily live outdoors, but they prefer indoors conditions. A house with a large backyard can offer proper conditions for them to be happy.

The American Staghound has not very many health problems, most of these dogs being able to all their life without any medical problem, if the necessary living conditions are ensured and basic check-ups are performed on a regular basis. Their life expectancy is around 12-14 years or more.

They are very good watchdogs, but they are very poor guardian dogs. It is important to keep in mind that they have the tendency to consider small animals as quarry and that is why it is not advisable to have rabbits or little animals like these as pets around the house.

Staghounds are usually great companions mostly for those who love outdoors activities, and are always in search for a little attention from their owners. They are a little bit lazy sometimes, but, if they see any living being that they believe is prey, they immediately start chasing it, even if they previously seemed to be asleep.

The American Staghound is not recognized by the Kennel Club, but the owners of such dogs are simply in love with their personality and loyalty.

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