American White Shepherd

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Your Jogging Companion

The American White Shepherd was obtained from the white-haired lines of the German Shepherd without being mixed with other breeds. The gene responsible for the white color is a recessive one, and white German Shepherds are actually disqualified by the German Shepherd Dog Club of Germany.

The American White Shepherd is a medium-sized, muscular, and strong dog. The dog has upright, V-shaped ears, a proportional head, and dark colored, medium-sized eyes. It has a water-resistant coat, which is longer around the neck. The dog needs a daily brush in order to avoid finding hair all over the house. It is not advisable to bathe it too often; this can cause skin problems due to the removal of the natural skin oil. Although the name of the breed is White Shepherd, the fur can be slightly cream or pale biscuit tan. The males can reach 60-65 cm in height and females are a little smaller, reaching just 55-60 cm. They weigh around 35-40 kg.

<b>American White Shepherd</b>

Even if American White Shepherds are very energetic dogs, they can be good for apartments if the daily physical exercises allow them to use up their energy. They are not quite active indoors. The best environment for such dogs is a small fenced yard, which allows them to alternate vivid activities with periods of laziness and will make the dogs happy and satisfied.

The American White Shepherd loves intense physical exercises, and our advice is to combine them with training of any sort, in order to make the most out of the dog's natural intelligence and abilities. It is also advisable to take your white shepherd dog on a daily run or jog, or to allow it to run by your side while you are biking.

This breed is perfect for people who love outdoor activities and they are excellent companions for joggers and cyclists. During your walks, the dog needs to be kept behind you because, in the dog's mind, the pack leader always walks first. Any concession made to this rule will make the dog believe that your leading role is available and it will try to fulfill it. This may cause trouble for you and your dog.

With a proper daily program and an adequate diet, your American White Shepherd dog can easily live around 12 years. Some of the diseases that can appear in this breed are hip or elbow dysplasia, malabsorbtion syndrome, and allergies or skin problems. Other problems this dog can have are autoimmune diseases. However, correct breeding will decrease the risk of any issues.

Usually, the dogs from this breed are brave and very protective, and have strong personalities. That is why it is advisable to train them before entering your family. A good trained dog can show obedience and tranquility, can be a very devoted companion, and a great family member.

If you learn more about canine instincts and treat your American White Shepherd accordingly, you will find that it can be the smartest and most reliable friend.

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