Why Not Get an Andalusian Podenco

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Although you have seen it and liked it, you do not know much about the Andalusian Podenco. You are worried that you may not be able to take care of it properly and would like to find out more about this ancient and elegant breed. Well, read further to learn the main things you need to know about the Podenco and you will then be able to decide if this is the right dog for you.

Why Not Get an <b>Andalusian Podenco</b>

As the name shows it, the origins of this dog are in Spain, in the Andalusia province, and it is thought to be one of the oldest hound breeds. This dog is also called Andalusian Hound, and it is not at all a primitive dog, but a tenacious hunter with exceptional qualities.

The standard features of this remarkable breed

The most relevant trait of the Andalusian Podenco is the fact that it has excellent hunting skills. This athletic dog has strong muscles to help it run for the pray and jump extraordinarily high.

There are different varieties of Andalusian Podencos, depending on the color, size and coat type. The normal weight is up to 50 pounds, and they can reach up to 51 inches in height. Upright ears, long legs and the very athletic body are the main features this breed of natural born hunters.

What makes a good hound?

A trusty hunting dog will depend on the sharpness of the three essential senses: sight, hearing and smell. This is what makes a most skilled hunter. All these senses have to be highly developed in order to do its job well - the Andalusian Podencos should be very proud of themselves when it comes to these factors. They are also keen and frisky, with agile and active bodies. These hounds are extremely fast runners. It is good to know that they take hunting seriously and do not see it as a game.

The Andalusian Podenco as a pet
It is not easy to find this dog on the market. But, if you can take one home, you will not regret it. Of course, this is not a dog you can keep in an apartment, as it needs a lot of space to run and play. It is in its nature to explore the surroundings and chase animals around, so it will feel happy living on a farm, in a yard or a large garden. Extremely beautiful to watch, the Andalusian Podenco will continue to amaze you day by day. These are sharp and alert animals, and they will spend their time running around your garden. They can be funny trying to fetch, but you have to provide proper training in order to control their behavior, which can become destructive sometimes because they are extremely active. With few useful tips, you can get spectacular results with the training, as these dogs are quite obedient.

Because they are sensitive dogs, Andalusian Podencos will make the best companions for all the members of the family. They can be very affectionate and loyal.

Taking care of a dog of this breed is not difficult; you just have to know a few relevant things about him. The most important thing to do is treat your Andalusian Podenco with love and care, and it will be enough to make it happy.

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