Anglos-Francais de Moyenne Venerie

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A Versatile Hunting Dog and a Loyal Pet

The name "Anglos-Francais de Moyenne Venerie" is less used than Anglo-Français de Petite Vénerie, which is the legally registered and more commonly used name in France. North Americans prefer the former because they do not consider the dogs to be that small, or petite. The word "petite" in the name is misunderstood, as it refers to the dog. However, no matter the name, we are talking about an interesting breed, created as all Anglo-Francais hound breeds are, from foxhounds crossed with scent hounds.

<b>Anglos-Francais de Moyenne Venerie</b>

This is a sturdy dog that took the essential characteristics of the two breeds combined: speed and resistance. This is what makes this dog one of the most appreciated hunting breeds. It is advisable to consider the fact that he would feel most happy in rural areas with large spaces. This way, he could explore and run freely. City life can depress him and cause him to develop anxieties. He needs to run and chase. However, because he is quite reserved, calm, and obeying, it can be a perfect companion. More and more people are willing to take one home. The Anglos-Francais de Moyenne Venerie is extremely intelligent and not exceedingly difficult to train.

As it is the case with any other dog, it is essential to make sure he gets balanced, healthy meals according to his age, size, and the main activities carried out. Some health issues could occur regarding the ears' hygiene if not properly cleaned and checked regularly.

Anglos-Francais de Moyenne Venerie has the looks of a hound:
- well built, with a beautiful silhouette of a veritable hunting dog;
- he can reach 56 cm and weigh 27 kg;
- medium-sized head;
- wide open nostrils;
- strong legs with well-developed muscles;
- coat color may be black and white, with various shades of orange.

The Anglos-Francais de Moyenne Venerie likes to bark a lot, so you will need to train him well in order to control this bad habit. Change strategies to see which one is efficient in different circumstances. Here are a few tips that could help in this regard:

- Walking will calm him down. Take him for a walk as often as you can.
- A toy could distract him, especially if it is filled with something that he likes chewing or eating.
- He will act like a watchdog, so if he hears other dogs barking, he will bark back. Distract him from that by using other noises.
- Sometimes, shaking a can filled with pebbles or a spray might work and make him stop barking.
- Investigate to find out the reasons. He may bark because he is marking his territory or because he is simply bored.

You will be surprised to find out that these dogs are gentle and sensitive and always looking for love and affection. There will be no problems if there are kids or other dogs around. They are very sociable, loyal, and devoted. Having a hunting dog as a pet is not easy. But if you love him enough, it could be an incredible experience. If you need a dedicated pet and a fun friend, then you should choose the Anglos-Francais de Moyenne Venerie.

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