Anglos-Francaises de Petite Venerie

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It Is Impossible Not to Love Them

Anglos-Francaises de Petite Venerie are the smallest dogs in the Anglos-Francais category. However, the name „Petite”, meaning „small”, is not at all referring to the size of the dogs, but to the game they are after. Even if they've been around since the 16th century, today, these dogs are not easy to find. So if you have decided to adopt one, you can be sure that you will have a unique pet.

<b>Anglos-Francaises de Petite Venerie</b>

As all hounds, these are highly energetic dogs, so they can be quite a handful. However, many people want them around as pets, because they are gentle with children and bond quickly with their owner, especially if properly trained. They love living outside, in open spaces and need a lot of physical exercise. You should not leave then in enclosed areas, as they can become anxious.

Anglos-Francaises de Petite Venerie weigh up to 20 kg and can reach 56 cm in height. Their size is just perfect for small game. Their body is athletic, with well-defined muscles that make them look sturdy, yet delicate. The nose is prominent, and the nostrils wide-open, which are fundamental traits for a scent hound. They have a short coat, usually orange and white. Some dogs may have white and black coats or even tricolor hair.

These dogs tend to be quite stubborn, so early training is mandatory. They also like to bark a lot, as it happens with all hunting dogs. So, if you do not live somewhere in the country side, you may want to think again about taking one home. But even if they bark a lot, you will notice that their voice is rather different from other dogs'. It is more likable and, plus, it helps them do their job well.

The incredible hunting skills of Anglos-Francaises de Petite Venerie will be visible right away. They get a scent remarkably quickly and will hunt down the game without a problem. You must be careful if you have other small pets around your house, as they may mistake them for pray. Here are some more important things you need to know about Anglos-Francaises de Petite Venerie:

- They can live up to 13 years.
- They need regular grooming.
- They are prone to ear infections, and that is why you need to clean their ears on a regular basis.
- Because they run a lot through bushes and shrubs, they often get fleas or ticks, or get injured.

How will you know that this is the type of dog for you?

These dogs do not need much to be happy. You just have to understand them, care for them and treat them as family. Adopting a dog is not something that you should decide on the spot. You have to think carefully about what you will be able to offer to your new pet.

Anglos-Francaises de Petite Venerie are energy and time consuming, but, if well trained and taken care of, they will be the perfect companions.

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