The Armant

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The Egyptian Dog with a Lot of Love to Give

To some of you, the Armant is better known as the “Egyptian Sheepdog” and, just as the name suggests it, it was bred to be a herding dog. However, in ancient times, it was used mostly as a guard dog. This breed is originally from Egypt and named after the town of Armant. Its loyalty and agility are the two main characteristics which make this dog special.

<b>The<b> Armant</b></b>

While some people may be threatened because of the Armants gigantic head and body, the truth is that it is one of the calmest breed of dogs ever. Its eyes inspire warmth and the dog is relaxed most of the time.

These pets like to play with children and run around whenever your family is engaged in outdoor activities. In other words, if your children are playing outside, you wont find the Armant just lying around sleeping in some corner. Be careful though, never leave your dog alone for long periods of time, as this breed is prone to loneliness and might become distant if you do not interact with it as often as possible. Another possible reaction to loneliness is the tendency to destroy things around the house, so you may want to avoid such a thing from happening. Always be concerned with your pets exercise routine and keep in mind this is not an apartment dog. "Fetch" is one of its favorite games, because it allows it to run freely and spend time with its owner as well.

The first thing your kids will want to do if they see an Armant in the backyard is to pet it and play with it, despite its 23 inches in height and 50 to 65 pounds in weight. It could be the furry coat or the floppy ears that make it so adorable. While the dog is large, the fur will make him even bigger. They mostly come in dark colors, with sable brown or dark black coat. The fluffy tail is another element that contributes to the cuteness of this dog, especially when it is wagging it around with contempt.

Health & Hygiene
Trimming is a very important part of this dogs hygiene. In fact, if its hair is not trimmed regularly, it can cover its face entirely. Giving it a bath is not the easiest activity, not only because of its difficult fur, but also because of its body weight and height. A thick and strong brush is recommended, because his long hair gets tangled up with ease, so you must find a way to pull the knots out, without torturing the poor animal. If you make sure the Armant gets its exercise, it will be a healthy dog at all times.

You should also remember that a dog this big needs a really strict diet, based on amino acids, protein and vitamins. Be aware of bone aches at a later age. To avoid such problems, regular visits to the vets office are highly recommended.

Remember to surround your Armant dog with love, and he will surely pay you back with a lifetime of loyalty and companionship.

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