The Aryan Molossus

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Once a Warrior, Today a Loyal Companion and a Family-Protector

Should you ever decide that you need a big dog, with an imposing posture, which can look threatening and majestic at the same time, the Aryan Molossus is definitely one breed that you must take into consideration.

<b>The<i> Aryan Molossus</i></b>

One thing is for sure: in ancient times, the Aryan Molossus was trained to be a fighter. Primitive tribes would always use this dog when it came to settling disputes. Villagers believed that this was a way to settle differences without actually losing any human life. For example, if two tribes were arguing over who gets a certain piece of land, each one of the tribes would throw a dog into the pit and the two would fight to the death. The owner of the winning dog would be victorious as well.

In spite of its aggressive history, the Aryan Molossus is obedient and a fast-learner. This Afghanistan dog is certainly a great choice when you are in need of a guardian. Even with all things mentioned above, the Aryan Molossus is quite a lazy dog, unless you take him out for exercises every day. Remember to keep your dog fit if you want a healthy companion.

While he may be friendly to you and the other members of the family, this dog will not always feel comfortable around strangers unless properly socialized. If you are looking to raise him to be a watchdog, it is not recommended that you let others touch him and pet him, or he will eventually learn to seek attention from strangers. With proper training, you will come to learn that this breed is extremely protective when it comes to its owners.

When you first feast your eyes on this dog, you can tell right from the very beginning that it is related to the Mastiff. It might also be one of the heaviest dogs you have ever seen, since it can reach a weight of almost 200 pounds, not mention 34 inches in height. The coat is soft, dense and short, and generally comes in dark colors. The curled and high tail adds a special visual detail to the overall appearance of the Aryan dog. No doubt that this imposing posture is given by the dogs muscular chest and its large and well-built body. Thanks to its muscular legs, this breed can run really fast, despite its weight.

Health & Hygiene
The short hair of the Molossus makes it easy to groom and bathe this dog. A firm bristle brush should come in handy in the grooming process, and also remember to use a towel for a gleaming finish. When it comes to giving your dog a bath, dry shampoo is also a good choice.

While he may appear to be threatening, this dog will prove that he is caring and docile with his owners. In short, the Aryan Molossus is ideal when you need a loyal and loving companion, but with a menacing appearance that will scare off unwanted visitors at the same time.

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