The Australian Bulldog

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A Perfect Family Companion Displaying Intelligence and Affection

The Australian Bulldog is recommended for people who are not looking for an extremely energetic and sporty dog, but for an extremely loyal and affectionate companion. Also known as the “Aussie Bulldog”, this dog was created through selective breeding by Australian breeders. They wanted to create a dog with the perfect resemblance of the bulldog, but which does not struggle with the usual health problems specific to the bulldog breed, such as: dermatitis, breathing problems (due to a very small trachea), heart complications and common allergies.

<b>The Australian Bulldog</b>

These dogs present many positive temperamental characteristics that make them perfect for a family with small children. The Australian Bulldog is extremely loving, intelligent and playful. It enjoys especially playing with its toys, or a simple ball, but it also loves swimming.

In order to avoid the apparition of certain behavioral issues, owners are encouraged to introduce everyday physical exercise into the dogs diet. Also, it can be easily taught by the owner to be obedient, but special dog training is also recommended. It is important to mention that these dogs are not good guardians, given their loyal and affectionate nature. According to several statistics these dogs have never attacked children or grown ups. However, they are considered good watch dogs because they warn off strangers or intruders by barking.

Families who own livestock are not recommended to keep an Australian Bulldog, mainly because it can easily attack even sheep that are fully grown. The male dog from this breed can grow up to ~50 cm and can weigh between 30 and 35 kg; the female usually grows up to ~48 cm, weighing up to 35 kg. The overall stature of the dog is compact, with short legs that are set aside, and with a straight and short back.

These dogs have an extremely smooth coat with short hair, and they can be found in a wide array of shades and colors such as fawn, a brindle color pattern, or even red. Given their short hair, these dogs can be groomed extremely easily with a special brush. Keep in mind that these dogs are quite “wrinkly”, and owners are advised to keep the dogs face clean by wiping these wrinkles from time to time.

The Australian Bulldog is generally not pretentious regarding food and it eats almost anything. Dog breeders recommend, however, that owners respect a healthy diet balance for their dogs, by giving them a mix of dry food and raw food twice a day. The dog requires spending quality time around family members, and if it doesnt get the appropriate attention, it can easily get bored and even depressed.

These dogs usually live for 10+ years, if they are properly provided with healthy and nutritious food, exercising opportunities (playing “fetch”, swimming, etc.) and a loving environment. They are perfect as indoor dogs (sometimes called “couch dogs”), but it is much better for their health if the owner can provide them with a more active environment and lifestyle. An Australian Bulldog that is healthy and well taken care of will always have an excellent disposition and will lighten up the day of all those surrounding it!

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