Australian Labradoodle

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Joyful, Extremely Sociable, and Good with Children

The Australian Labradoodle is a dog with an outstanding temperament and is very popular due to it being a non-shedding breed. This basically means it is not at all a pretentious pet, unlike other heavily shedding dogs, which need to be groomed and combed quite often.

<b>Australian Labradoodle</b>

However, in order to own an obedient Labradoodle, owners must understand that special training is very important. If they do not get obedience training, owners will soon notice that their pet will start chewing almost everything around the house, and they will rarely stop barking when a stranger approaches their territory.

This pet can be trained quite easily, and is especially good with children. The Australian Labradoodle will also form a very good friendship with the other dogs in the household. It is an extremely sociable and joyful pet, and it will quickly become the favorite member of the entire family. If it gets proper attention and training, it can learn quite quickly some of the following special tasks:

- picking up dropped items on command
- opening and closing doors around the house
- fetching items (the newspaper, key chains, phone, etc.)
- carrying baskets (especially those on wheels)

The Australian Labradoodle is also notable for displaying a comical behavior at times, and this is how it works its way into the heart of the entire family. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to discipline the pet from an early age. Otherwise, it will try to outsmart the master all the time. These dogs need to be shown who is the boss in the relationship in order to prevent any major problems from arising. In order to avoid sedentary life and behavioral issues, they need daily physical activity in their schedule.

The standard height of the Australian Labradoodle is approximately 55-60 cm. The female can weigh up to 25 kg while the male can weigh up to 35 kg. These pets can adapt to apartment life very well, since they do not belong to the hyperactive working class dogs. However, owners are advised to avoid transforming their pet into a complete “couch dog,” as this is not good from a health point of view for the pet. If they are well taken care of, these dogs have a life expectancy of up to 15 years.

They can be found in a great variety of colors, such as cream, silver, black, chocolate, “oily blue,” apricot, gold, or red. According to the breeding standards, the dogs should have very little or almost non-existent white marking on their coat. Their coat has the texture of soft fleece or wool, rather than resembling the traditional rough hair of the dogs.

This breed is also very well-known for its loyalty and willingness to serve its master at all times, and this is why the Australian Labradoodle can be trained to become a service companion for people with disabilities.

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