The Austrian Brandlbracke is a hunting dog, and it is also known under the following names: Glatthaariger Bracke, Carintian Bracke or the Austrian Smooth-Haired Bracke. The dog has got an extremely thick and glossy coat. Sometimes, on the coat, there are visible white spots at the chest, the feet or the neck. This particular dog has quite a broad chest, and generally very strong and muscular limbs. One of the most interesting features of this dog is that its eyebrows give the impression that it is a very intelligent and educated animal.

The average height of the Austrian Brandlbracke is 55 cm, and it weighs between 15 and 22 kg. These dogs are very high-spirited, displaying a lot of affection to their owner and the other members of the family. They have a very silent trail, and this is why hunters prefer the Brandlbracke to other breeds. They will just lie nicely and quietly, and take action only when they are requested to.
The Austrian Brandlbracke is not suitable for apartment life. Keep in mind that this is a hunting dog and it needs intense physical activity every day. Owners who keep these dogs mostly as pets should always play retrieving games with them, in order to help them get the exercise they need and to satisfy their instincts. Also, if they are not kept on ranches or at hunters dwellings, they should be kept by owners who have hunting as a hobby, or who go quite frequently cycling, hiking or camping in the mountains, where the dog can get enough physical training.
The Austrian Brandlbracke requires brushing at least once per week, in order to keep its coat healthy and shiny. Bathing should be performed only when absolutely necessary, so that the natural protective oils under its coat are not destroyed. This dog is generally not prone to serious health issues; it is an extremely strong and healthy dog.
Some Brandlbracke owners, who keep these dogs as pets, have noticed that these dogs might bark quite a lot. Of course, they are kept as watchdogs, so barking is essential in keeping the strangers away from the property. However, there are several ways in which the dogs can be taught to bark less. For instance, taking them on long walks every day will help them socialize with other dogs, the neighbors and most probably they will give up their non-stop barking. Then, a very good method would be to use a spray bottle filled with water. You can squirt on its nose a small “puff” of water whenever the dog just doesnt seem to stop from barking. However, keep in mind that the dog mainly barks because it is defending its territory, and that it is a hunting dog with strong instincts.
It is an extremely lovable dog that will surely invite family members to train more out in the fresh air, and play many games such as Frisbee, or just play "run and chase" in the fields. The Austrian Brandlbracke will immediately get to your heart and there will be certainly a true friendship born that will last for life!