The Bavarian Mountain Hound is the typical hunting dog with an extremely sensitive scent and the finest nose for picking the trail. It is a direct descendant of the Bracken. As the name states, this breed is originally from Germany. Only the most loyal dogs were chosen by the hunters to be used for the track game. From these, by cross-breeding them with local mountain dogs, the breeders have managed to develop a great hunting breed used for trailing wounded game solely.
This breed is indeed a very rare one.

The head of these dogs is elongated and very strong, with quite a broad skull, a pronounced stop, curved nose bridge, broad muzzle, and solid jaws. The eyes are not too round and not too large. The color is generally dark. It will rarely appear lighter, and the eyelids are pigmented. The ears hang flat and are quite large, rounded at the tips, and wide at the base.
Having a muscular, strong body is a must when talking about a hunting dog. The Bavarian Mountain Hound dogs are a bit longer than they are tall, have a very solid back, well-developed chest, and a slight tuck up. The tail is set high, and usually it is hanging down or carried to the ground level.
The colors of these dogs include red, fawn, reddish fawn, dark fawn, light fawn, sable fawn, or fawn gray. The coat can also be ticked with black. Generally, the background color is more intense, and light-colored small areas might be present on the chest.
The coat is short, quite harsh, and dense, always laying flat against the body, yet is usually finer on the ears and on the head.
Dogs of the Bavarian Mountain Hound breed are not very large, but can reach sizes of 47 to 52 centimeters in the adult male and 44 to 48 centimeters in an adult female. The total weight can reach 20 to 25 kilograms.
As for their temper, the dogs of these breed are very calm, poised, and quiet, and they are renowned for their loyalty and attachment to the owners and members of the family. They can get along perfectly with young children, as well as with other pets. They do not like to be left alone for too much time.
While they are hunting, their behavior changes completely. They become persistent, single-minded, stubborn, and hard. The dogs of the Bavarian Mountain Hound breed have a great instinct, excellent nose, and they always manage to demonstrate their courage, agility, spirit, and rapid movements. Training them is not that easy, and you must find a patient and experienced trainer.
Keeping such a dog in an apartment is not recommended, as they need plenty of exercise and space. Brushing regularly is another aspect owners should be attentive to. Game wardens or foresters are usually the owners of these superb canines.
A dog needs attention and love, and it gives back ten times more. The Bavarian Mountain Hound is mostly a hunting breed rather than a companion, but these dogs are truly special.