The Basset Hound

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The Perfect Companion for People of All Ages

The <b>Basset Hound</b>

The Basset Hound is well known for its incredibly keen sense of smell, for centuries being used to hunt hares and rabbits using nothing more than their scent. The earliest depictions of these dogs are represented by engravings from the Middle Kingdom of Egypt, as well as mummified remains dating from the same period, found in Saqqara, Egypt. The name of this breed comes from the French word “bas”, which means low, the suffix "-et" giving it the meaning of “rather low”. This breed is very popular in many cultures. Artists such as webcomic Scott Kurtz or director Mamoru Oshii have often featured their Bassets in their works. Cartoons, ads and movies have often featured Basset hounds.

The Basset Hound is a breed that can be easily recognized. The dogs have short, large, long and solid bodies, curved tails, and are best known for their hanging skin structure, which results in the characteristic facial wrinkles, giving them an overall sad, yet amusing look. This is part of the reason why the breed is so popular. The loose skin around their necks and the long trailing ears help to trap the scent they are tracking.

The dogs of this breed have a smooth and soft short-haired coat, which constantly sheds. As for the color, the dogs can be bicolor white-tan, or tricolor white-black-tan, where tan can vary greatly, from lemon to red.

Though they have very short legs, they also have a long body and can jump quite high and reach objects on tabletops. The dogs of the Basset Hound breed must be closely supervised in water, as, unlike other dogs, their short legs and heavy bodies do not allow them to stay above surface for too long.

As for their temper, the Bassets are known as extremely friendly dogs, both to people and other pets, and can make the perfect pet for small children. They are very docile, gentle and very loyal. They get very attached to their owners, but can be quite stubborn and do not like to be left alone, as they are social and always crave for attention.

This breed is known for its ability to hunt and for its sensitive scent, so you must always keep the bassets in a leash, as they will start running after what they consider to be their prey. The Basset Hound dogs are also known as quite lazy, and they have the tendency to sleep a lot. Nonetheless, daily long walks are necessary.

Adult dogs weigh between 20 and 35 kilograms, and can reach about 30 or 38 centimeters in height. Their short stature gives them a predisposition to injuries of the spine, hips or legs. The owners must also pay close attention to their long ears, as ear mites and infections are not rare.

The dogs have a life expectancy of approximately 13 to 15 years, and the litter size is about 6 to 8 puppies.

Whatever reason you may have for adopting a Basset Hound, you will love its gentleness, docility and its constant good mood.

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