The Beauceron

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Your Brave, Loyal and Playful Companion

The <b>Beauceron</b>

The Beauceron has its origins in Northern France, as a herding dog breed. Its standard coloring is tan and black or tan and gray. In the back and tan dogs, there are some small markings of tan that appear above the eyes, on the left and right of the muzzle and slightly on the cheeks, on the neck, under their tail, their legs and their chest. The dog's undercoat is short, thick and silky, while its outer coat is a bit longer and much rougher, protecting the dog from the environment.

This dog can grow as tall as 27 inches (70 cm) and can reach up to 66-100 pounds (30-45 kg). Beaucerons are very athletic and healthy. It is said that, in their country of origin, they were once successfully used for fending out wolves. The tan coloring, referred to as squirrel-red in France, could be a symbol of their agility, quickness of the eye and prompt movement, similar to an agile squirrel on a green lawn. The two dots above the eyes that are characteristic to the black and tan dogs enhance their calm and patient appearance.

This breed makes a brave, intelligent and loyal pet and it excels as a guard dog. Although they can sometimes get a restless attitude and become agitated, they are above all willing to please their masters, therefore they become very obedient and respond very quickly to their masters commands.

The Beauceron can sometimes become very independent and even aggressive towards strangers or other animals, if it is not taught to socialize from a young age. But these dogs are fast learners and good listeners, and a complete and well though-out training is bound to make them behave properly with children and other members of the family, as they see humans as an authority, hence they become very gentle pets. They are also known to get along very well with cats, especially if they are raised together in the same family environment.

The Beauceron is a very active and energetic dog and it reaches maturity around the age of three. They need a lot of exercise, playing and interesting activities, and that is why the perfect environment for them would be wide-open spaces. Although they will do best in a large yard, they can also be raised indoors. If they are sufficiently exercised and taken for walks a few times a day, they can easily adapt inside an apartment.

As long as they get enough attention and space to express their energy and playfulness, the Beaucerons will love the members of the family they live with, especially if there are some kids around. Being active and cheerful companions, they do not like to be left alone for a long time.

Due to its versatility, the Beauceron is still used for tending sheep and cattle, and also for military and police purposes, canine contests etc.

If they are given enough love and attention, they will do everything in their power to please their master. The Beauceron can live up to thirteen years, in which time you will enjoy every one of its gazes, firm barks, funny yawns and true loyalty.

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