The American Bull Molosser

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The Cute Family Dog with Strong Pack Instincts

The <b>American Bull Molosser</b>

Similar to Alpine Dachsbracke, the American Bull Molosser is a scent hound, a guardian dog of uncertain origins, probably a mix between Rottweiler, Mastiff and a few other breeds, without many unique characteristics. Its creator designed it to be both the family pet and its protector. It is a medium- large size dog, very clever, cute when it is a puppy, with a large dose of heroism and courage in order to protect the pack and to please the leader.

The well-known intelligence of the American Bull Molosser makes this breed perfect for taking care of the family's children and other pets, being brave enough to protect them in any circumstances; however, anyone willing to become the owner of such a dog should know that it is advisable to train their dog as early as possible, in order to teach them to be obedient and, first of all, to accommodate the dog with the owner's role as pack leader.

All dogs are pack animals. Every pack is an organized team in which every member has a specific role and position. According to this position, they have more or less rights and more or less liberties and duties. When dogs live with human beings, they tend to think of people as pack members, this helping them understand their specific role and position. Otherwise, their world would be chaotic and they could become confused and react in an abnormal way.

More than any other breed, the American Bull Molosser needs to have a well-organized pack, in order to behave normally and to become a loyal family dog with a stable temperament. Because of their native intelligence, they are very easily trained, either to be obedient or to protect the pack by attacking the intruders.

The breed's characteristics are not quite specific, but we can select a few common characteristics for the American Bull Molosser. Their body is strong and their chest is a pack of muscles, they have a large head with powerful jaws, mid-sized dangling ears and a strong neck. Their short-wired should be brushed daily, but that is not necessarily required.

These dogs do not have specific health problems if they live in a clean environment. It is advisable to keep them in a large backyard, but this is not a must. Their height is around 55-66 cm and their weight is around 38-48 kg, with females being a bit smaller. They need one or two daily walks in order to consume their energy and to ensure their physical condition. Their life expectancy reaches 10-14 years, with regular visits to the veterinarian. Some of the dogs can develop allergies and that is why a veterinarian should advise you on a number of treatments with anti-histaminic drugs.

Their behavior towards children is more than protective, dutiful and loyal, and that is why a well-trained Molosser is so useful for a family with children. They also have a good behavior regarding the other family pets and they usually are good companions and guardians for all of them. As you can see, the American Bull Molosser can be of great help for a large family.

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