American Bullnese

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Will It Be the Joy of Your House?

Recently developed in Florida in 1989 by Robert E. Rice during a crossbreeding program, the American Bullnese is a cross between five types of dogs. The most recognizable in its aspect and name are the French Bulldog and the Pekingese.

<b>American Bullnese</b>

The aspect of the American Bullnese is that of a strong, muscular dog with short legs and strong chest and neck. It has a stocky, elongated body positioned low to the ground. The square head with its specific faces and strong jaws make it easily recognizable everywhere. The coat is soft, thick, and short, and is accepted in any color. Their coat is very easy to maintain. A brush or comb from time to time with a firm brush will usually be enough. A bath with shampoo is also allowed, but only if it is necessary.

However, they need regular cleaning for all the wrinkles on their faces. If that is not a daily practice, they can develop infections between the wrinkles, and these are very hard to treat. In addition, it is very difficult to make the dog stop scratching and hurting itself. For dogs that are used to staying outside, a parasite repellent is also necessary.

Even if the aspect of the American Bullnese is one of a sturdy and stuffed dog, it is very energetic and needs much exercise during the day. Its daily walking program is a must; otherwise, they gain fat and become grumpy. Their temperament is usually full of joy and they are always ready to play or discover the world around them. They are bold and daring to make short incursions to check everything. Their adorable hopping run makes everyone look at the American Bullnese dogs with joy and amusement, but it is highly recommended to not let them act like the leader in your family, because their dominant personality will rapidly make them disobedient.

There is a common issue with all the cute or funny little dogs, called The Small Dog Syndrome, a problem induced by their owners. Cute little breeds entice their owners to pet them very often and comfort and spoil them too often, which is seen by the dog as an opportunity to take over the humans and become the leader. If this aspect is avoided, the dogs from this breed will be very eager to please, and that makes them easy to be trained.

These dogs can easily reach 14 kg and 31 cm, but dogs who don't get enough exercise will grow fat and quickly become obese, and will develop all the diseases specific to obese dogs, like heart problems, kidney problems, joint pains, and so on.

For a well-bred dog, there are no specific health problems to be discussed. In this case, its life expectancy is around 12-15 years. It is more appropriate for apartment life, but it is perfectly content in a yard as well, even without fences.

The American Bullnese is a joyful source of happiness, even if it can be a handful at times

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