The American Mastiff (Panja)

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A Guard dog or More?

The <b>American Mastiff</b> (Panja)

The American Mastiff (Panja) is a relatively new breed that has been recognized by the Dog Registry of America only in 1996. This dog is the results of the Pit Bull and Rottweiler crossing, but that has characteristics specific to other breeds too. Its notoriety came from the fact that in the beginning this dog was associated with drug dealers who needed it to intimidate people who presented a danger to their properties. When trained so, the American Mastiff (Panja) managed to be an excellent watcher, which is why some people are reluctant to get one. However, this dog can be kept even in an apartment and it can become a devoted family member.

In spite of its reputation and its fierce aspect, this dog can be one of the best family companions and, if it is trained properly, children can feel safe in its company. In fact, it was in 1996 when this dog was declared to be more than a watcher for drug dealers and started being purchased more as a family pet.

Physical features:
• Working dog
• Muscular body
• Wide chest
• Tucked up middle area
• Muscular, straight legs that are most of the times heavy boned
• Broad head with almond-shaped eyes widely set apart
• Usually cropped ears
• Weight: between 80 and 100 pounds
• Height: between 22 and 26 inches
• Coat type: flat coat of medium length, which makes it easily groomed. The American Mastiff (Panja) needs to be washed approximately once a month to look at its best. It does not require any special attention in the grooming section.
• Coat color: usually brown or black

Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years. These dogs do not suffer from any specific diseases, but due to the heavy weight and muscular body structure, they can suffer from hip dysplasia.

Due to their physical characteristics, dogs of this breed seem to look alert all the time and ready to embark on new adventures. They have a curious allure and, thanks to the position of the legs, they look as if they were always ready for some action.

The attitude of the American Mastiff (Panja) depends a great deal on how it is trained. These dogs can make excellent guards of the property and no stranger will even think of going close to it. However, if they are brought in a family environment they can become a real family pet and the kids favorite. They have an excellent behavior with other animals and can even tolerate a cat if they are raised with it. The Panja can be easygoing with strangers too, when it sees that the family members welcome them into the house.

These dogs are extremely intelligent and you will have lots of fun with them. Just make sure they have what to chew, because they get bored easily and they chew whatever they find when they do not have anything else to do.

Overall, if you are looking for a new friendly family member and a dog that is going to be loyal to you as long as it lives, the American Mastiff (Panja) can be an excellent choice even when you have kids.

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