The Chinese Chongqing Dog

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When Natural Beauty Combines with Intelligence and Nobility

The Chinese Chongqing Dog is a rare breed that resembles bulldogs and Thai ridgeback dogs, but does not descend from any of these breeds.

The <b>Chinese Chongqing Dog</b>

As the name suggests, the Chinese Chongqing Dog originates from China, more precisely from the Chongqing city. Although, in the past, it was used for hunting rabbits and wild boar, today this breed is mostly used to protect families and their belongings. It is believed that its origins go as back as 2000 years ago, in the times of the Han Dynasty.

Physical Features
This is a medium-sized dog, colored in deep brown or mahogany shades. Their ears are erect most of the time. Females are more slender than males; they tend to be more muscular. To what their height and weight are concerned, there are significant differences between the two genders. Females usually are 14-16 inches tall and weigh 33-44 pounds, while males measure 16-19 inches and weigh 44-54 pounds.

This breed is very protective when it comes to its family, and they can also become quite dangerous when strangers appear, be they people or other dogs. However, if their owners are present and are friendly to those strangers, they too can prove to have good social skills. Proper leadership and plenty of communication should solve the temperamental problems that might occur in this breed.

These dogs are natural guard dogs and do not require special training, unless they seem to be reluctant to strangers. This is the only problem that could appear when we describe this breed in terms of temperament. But even if these dogs are good at guarding people and objects, they are not suitable for police work or in competitions. They have strong natural instincts and are not afraid to use them; this is the main reason why it is advisable that this breed be trained by a dominant person, who is competent and knowledgeable.

Usually, this breed is very healthy, although some skin problems have been reported here and there. With a proper diet, the owners can significantly reduce the chance of skin problems. Furthermore, just like any other breed, this one too has to benefit from regular exercising. Since it has high energy levels and needs to be constantly engaged in action, it is important to purchase a dog like this only if you are committed to keeping it healthy. These dogs do okay in an apartment, but only if they perform their regular exercises; they feel best in gardens and parks, therefore it is advisable for a future owner to provide the outdoor space this dog loves so dearly.

Life Expectancy and Grooming
For this breed, both females and males have a life expectancy of 18 years. No special grooming is required, so bathe them only when necessary.

Any person requiring a noble, alert, dignified, and intelligent companion, can turn his attention to a Chinese Chongqing Dog, because this dog has all these qualities and even more, proving to be extremely devoted to its family and very friendly with respectful owners.

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