Bhagyari Kutta

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A Dog That Loves a Good Challenge

The Bhagyari Kutta is a herding dog from Pakistan, with a long history alongside humans. Its name, which means “the wolf dog” in the Punjabi language, comes from the breeds obvious resemblance with the Asian wolves. People say this breed was born out of a combination of a wolf and a domestic dog, a very long time ago. It is also called the Pakistani Shepherd Dog, due to the area where it can usually be found in.

<b>Bhagyari Kutta</b>

Regarding this breed's aspect, we can say that the Bhagyari Kutta is a common looking dog, with no special physical characteristics. Both males and females are of medium size, with a height ranging between 61 to 64 centimeters, and an average weight of 40 kilograms. Even though, at first sight, it might not show it, this dog is quite strong. Actually, it craves for physical exercise, being unable to sit still for too long.

Its coat can have many different colors and lengths, varying from region to region. It is usually tricolored, with a mix of black, tan, gold and sometimes white. The muzzle points to a black nose and black lips. The dog sheds constantly, but only bits of hair. If left to wonder freely throughout the house, it should be brushed often, or else it will leave hair everywhere.

The ears are erect and a bit large, giving the dog a very sharp sense of hearing. The sense of smell and the sight are also very accurate, and, if we add the high amount of energy it has, it becomes clear why so many people have chosen this breed to herd and guard their farm animals.

When talking about the temperament of the Bhagyari Kutta, we must mention that it cannot, under any circumstances, sit idle. In other words, it has very little patience. If properly trained from an early age, it can endure the monotonous activities and long periods of inactivity much better. And since it is always eager to learn, and it does so instinctively, training this dog becomes a real pleasure.

It has a firm and confident personality, and makes a good companion for families and other pets, due to its loving nature. These dogs form friendships especially with little kids, making very good guardians. In extreme cases, it is said that the Bhagyari Kutta will show such courage and devotion, that it will do whatever is necessary to protect its human family, including sacrificing itself. Such loyalty and strength make this dog a highly valuable friend, which deserves nothing but our love and respect.

A good master is aware of this dog's desire for activity and should allow it to make the most of its intellect. Therefore, any kind of challenge, being it physical or mental, is exactly what it needs in order to be happy. Needles to say, it can be a great partner for outdoor activities, such as jogging, Frisbee and so on.

It usually lives up to ten years, but a dog like this does not need nine lives to be happy. Living at a high pace, never resting and always on the run, the Bhagyari Kutta is a good example that reminds us that life is short and we cannot afford to waste any moment of it.

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