The Bluetick Coonhound

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The Hound with a Nose for Love

The <b>Bluetick Coonhound</b>

The Bluetick Coonhound is a dynamic, surprising dog, with a very interesting and challenging demeanor, due to its very tumultuous breeding history. This breed originates from the Louisiana state; it is difficult to mention how many other breeds participated in the making of this new specimen. What is certain is that this dog is, above everything else, an interesting and inspiring dog, a fact which can be easily noticed in how popular this breed is in fiction just look at Ken Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, where the symbol for Chief Bromden is a Bluetick Coonhound, and the character from Savage Sam, the sequel to Old Yeller.

These dogs are certain to make interesting pets and they are especially stimulating for children. They grow to be very loyal and affectionate pets, but they can prove pretty tricky to train. Even if they are not aggressive at all, especially not to humans, they do not have a reputation of getting along well with other animals.

This is also one of the most curious dogs out there. As the name implies, these are intelligent hounds and they will always go looking around for some problem to solve. Unfortunately, if there is no problem, they can sometimes create it. Their sense of smell is exquisite, therefore leaving unattended food is a definite no-no if you own this dog. Their smell is usually what guides them in most situations, so this dog will always go sniffing about.

This is naturally an excellent hunting dog or tracking dog. For this reason, it is unadvisable that you keep it in an apartment, or a small household with a small yard, as these dogs need all the exercise they can get and plenty of room to roam about. They can sometimes prove to be a handful, as they occasionally drool and are known for constantly barking and howling. However, the Bluetick Coonhound makes up for all these aspects with his intriguing and wonderful personality.

What about the appearance? This is a speedy lean machine, with excellent posture and well carved muscles. The Bluetick Coonhound is smeared with white and black in a very even mixture that gives out the appearance of a dark blue color. A nice touch is the spotted muzzle and eye area, which has a dark red aspect. Last but not least, do not be alarmed if it looks like your dog has freakishly large paws, as this is amongst the dogs with the largest paws known. The grooming part of this dog is not particularly demanding, an occasional brushing being sufficient. However, the ear area always requires particular attention, in order to avoid infections.

Most important of all, because it has such a strong personality, this dog will not do well at all if he is ignored or unattended. Confining him in a small space and not giving him all the exercise he needs may turn the Bluetick Coonhound into an anxious and destructive dog, very much unlike his regular lovable self.

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