Canis Panther

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The Most Reliable Guardian for Your Home

The "members" of the Canis Panther breed make perfect guard dogs. These dogs have been bred initially in the United States, during the 1970s, but have thoroughly spread throughout the globe. It is said that this dog species is a result of the cross between the Labrador, Doberman Pinscher, Great Dane and the Staffordshire Terrier.

In terms of physical traits, these dogs are very well proportionate. Their muscles are well-developed and their chest is wide. They can be easily distinguished by their cropped ears and their docked tail. Their coat is not very long and it is usually black, chocolate, fawn or gray.

Males can reach a height of 27 to 30 inches, whereas females only grow up to 24 or 27 inches in height. As for their weight, males can weigh between 120 to 140 pounds, and females a little less. Their life expectancy is 11 or 12 years. Females can give birth to 5-10 puppies at once.

In spite of their massive build-up, these dogs are really sensitive and caring. If properly trained, they will become loyal and obey their owners. Their behavior is not aggressive, but they do possess important combat skills. These dogs are great for guarding, because they have acute senses and are always vigilant. However, they also tend to be very defensive of their territory. So, make sure you show them firmly, yet in a very calm, confident manner, that there can be only one leader of the pack in the house and that the leader is you. Once they understand this, you will face no more problems.

It is essential that the Canis Panther be accustomed with the human presence and the presence of other dogs from the very beginning. If well socialized, these dogs can make the best companions ever. Please note that they cannot adjust right away to unknown people. So, let them take their time and they will not react aggressively.

Dogs that belong to this breed are extremely active. Therefore, they need to be given the necessary space to run and play in order to maintain their health and good mood. Their place is definitely not in a small apartment, and, if left alone, they will chew or cause damage just because they cannot stand solitude for a long time.

You should know that these dogs can live in climates that are hot but high temperatures are not ideal for this pedigree. A mild climate region would be perfect.

As it is usually the case with any dog breed, this one requires appropriate training and socialization from an early age. This way, incidents of aggressiveness and undesirable behavior will be avoided. This breed does not generally show an aggressive behavior towards humans, but the owner has to make sure that the dog is obedient to avoid any problems.

One last thing to remember is that you are not allowed to use these dogs (or any other, for that matter) for fighting purposes. This is illegal and it will lead to prosecution if you get caught.

Give your Canis Panther love and you will get plenty of it back!

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