The Canoe Dog

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Loving, Fun and Energetic The Canoe Dog Makes a Great Companion!

The Canoe Dog will impress its owners from the very beginning. These dogs are loving, gentle and playful, yet they remain docile and always ready to obey their masters commands. They can be easily trained, but it is important to show them that you are the leader from the very beginning, otherwise they will not see the point in obeying. Be patient with them and consistent at the same time. Show them that you are confident and they will trust you. Another important quality is their social behavior. They can interact without much difficulty with other members of their own species or other fellow humans.

They make great pets because they enjoy the company of humans. However, finding a dog from this breed can be pretty difficult. Why? First of all, because breeders that take care of the reproduction of this species are rare. The current area where they still exist is south Eastern Canada. These dogs were very popular among the Native American tribes.

There are some things which one needs to notice from the very beginning. This dog breed possesses a high intelligence and you will see that immediately. Their pricked ears capture every movement and keep them always aware of what is going around them. Their coat is not very long and it usually comes in black with white spots, visible on the region of the toes. Some dogs might also feature a white spot on their chest.

Because of their heavy coats, they prefer climates with low temperatures. However, if you live in an area with temperatures below the average, you need to provide adequate shade to your dog and even air conditioning. Grooming is very important. Brush them and comb them daily as it will maintain their coat in a good condition and their skin healthy.

Before adopting such a dog, you need to carefully think about a series of aspects. One of the most important ones is space. Will you be able to provide enough space for your dog and will you be able to dedicate enough of your time to it? Please keep in mind that this is not a dog breed of small dimensions. The Canoe dog will not adjust to a confined space. Ideally, you should live in a home that has a back yard where this lovely dog can run and spend quality time with your family.

This dog breed needs frequent exercising, otherwise its health will start to deteriorate. Take it for a long walk in the park or, better yet, take it along with you when you go jogging. However, make sure you will not exercise the dog excessively if the weather is hot. These dogs are prone to overheating.

If you decide to host such a dog in your back yard, then you will definitely need a large fence. Last but not least, make sure you bury some extra wire at the base of the fence. The Canoe dog loves digging and it will find a way out easily if extra protection measures are not being taken.

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