The Carlin Pinscher

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Let It Be Your Daily Doze of Happiness

The Carlin Pinscher is a dog breed that was created by crossing the Pug with the Miniature Pinscher, being called Pug-Pin at first. Though not a purebred at the moment because it lacks a pedigree, if the breed continues to develop, the Carlin will eventually become pure with a strong history of ancestry to prove it.

The influence of the two types of dogs that were used to create the Pug-Pin can easily be observed in the appearance of this animal its body is strong with thick legs while the muzzle allows easy breathing. Because of their resemblance to the parents, these dogs give off a dangerous and offensive feeling at first. The body is well muscled, the eyes are big, set wide apart, and the ears are medium-sized and usually kept folded. Their tail can be long, held upward or short, if the owner so decides. The strong legs and well proportioned body give these dogs an athletic image.

The coat is short and smooth and can come in black, tan or a combination between these two shades. Thanks to the general characteristics that the fur has, maintaining is easy combing with a firm brush and washing only when necessary is all that this dog will need in order to have a beautiful coat. Also, since the shedding process is an average one, any loose hair can be removed with the help of a washcloth.

With a life span of at least 15 years, the Carlin Pinscher is a healthy breed in general as long as the owners take care of their dogs in the appropriate manner there are no significant problems that could appear. Such a dog is considered small-sized and will usually be somewhere around 28-33 centimeters tall and will weigh no more that 5-6 kilograms.

Being a little animal, a Carlin will not ask much in terms living conditions it can easily adapt to apartment and house/yard environments and it will be just as active both indoors and outdoors. Since it is a bit sensitive to colder weather, make sure to protect it from such conditions. As to what exercising is concerned, daily walks should be enough for these dogs; still, once in a while they need some running and playing is also welcome whenever there is an opportunity for it.

A dog of this breed will be stable and temperate, displaying charm, patience and dignity. Such a pet will be outgoing, pleasant, loving towards its family and very playful. Intelligent and obedient, it is easy to train, but make sure to start this process from an early age and to never let it forget that you are the leader, so that it will not develop any behavior issues in the future. If well socialized from the very beginning, this dog will do well with children and other pets as well, and will grow up to be respectful and gentle.

Good companions and trustworthy friends, the dogs of the Carlin Pinscher breed can be great pets thanks to their general characteristics (physical and temperamental) that make them easy to take care of and very fun to have around they are not picky, love to play and are very affectionate.

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