The Caucasian Ovtcharka Dog

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The Siberian Ferocious Watchdog

For the Caucasian Ovtcharka breed, the minimum height is 65 cm in males and 62 cm in females, the dogs weighing somewhere between 50 to 80 kg. The hair is colored in various shades of grey, usually in light and reddish tones. Also, the basic colors of its coat are red-rust, beige-yellow, earthy or white. These background colors can be brindle or spotted, and its white colored fur can be sprinkled with drops or dark spots.

The History and Origins of the Breed
As is the case with many breeds, the absence of documents regarding this dog's origin leaves room for all kinds of speculations. Western scientists came up with the hypothesis according to which, in order for this breed to be obtained, the mastiff dog was crossed with the northern herding Spitz dog. On the other hand, Russian experts state that it has evolved through the natural selection of the Mastiffs, which appeared over 2000 years ago in Tibet, brought in the Caucasus Mountains by the Asian nomads. The fact is that this breed seems to have always lived in this area and it has been exactly what locals needed: a large and powerful dog, able to adapt to a variety of weather conditions, with a strong protective instinct a truly incorruptible dog.

For centuries, this breed was unknown outside the Caucasus until 1930, when specimens appeared for the first time in Western Europe at an exhibition in Germany. Noting the exceptional qualities of the breed, the Soviet Army used the dog on the front during wartime but also in peacetime, to watch various military and economic objectives. If we were to believe the rumors, they were even used to guard prisoners. For a while, the growth and selection of this breed was the responsibility of the famous Red Star kennels, where many of the ancestors of the current champions of this breed have been born.

In 1952, the Soviet scientists divided the breed into two distinct types: Transcaucasia Ovtcharka with a heavier frame, considered a more solid type originating from the mountainous areas, and Caucasian Ovtcharka - a dog less cumbersome, grown mainly in the steppe regions. Then, in 1976 both types were reclassified, being united under the same name and the same standard.

The Caucasian Ovtcharka is a medium to large sized, sturdy dog, with a solid construction. The main areas where this breed can be found are: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Gabardine - Balk aria, Dagestan and Kalmia, steppe areas in the North Caucasus and the surrounding regions of Astrakhan. In Transcaucasia, this dog is big and solid, while its brother, the Caucasian, is a little lighter with a shorter fur. The top coat is straight and thick; the undercoat is abundant and has a light color.

The Temperament of the Breed
In terms of behavior, this dog is wary of strangers and can, actually, ferociously attack them. In addition to this, the Ovtcharka dog is unpretentious and adaptable to variable weather conditions. Consequently, it is used in almost all regions of the former Soviet Union.

Most importantly, this dog is an active, strong and calm dog. Its defense instinct is strongly developed, and usually shows ferocity and distrust towards strangers. Please remember that this dog must NOT be trained to guard and attack! Do NOT purchase this dog unless you have time and financial conditions, ability and knowledge to grow and properly educate this kind of pet. Keep in mind that this dog is a natural born watchdog, and is very good in defending a large household. Furthermore, this dog comes from Siberia and, thus, it is not recommended for indoors.

The Caucasian Ovtcharka dog is highly motivated, perfectly suitable as a watchdog or personal guard dog.

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