The Brazilian Terrier

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A Playful Companion in Love with the Outdoor Activities

Although it has existed for 100 years, the Brazilian Terrier has only been registered in 1973. It is said that the breed has been either developed in Brazil by mixing the Jack Russell (brought by young Brazilian people returning home from studies in Europe) with smaller breeds, like the Chihuahua or Miniature Pinschers, or that the European Terrier just adapted to its new environment: first the farm, and later on, with the development of cities, to city life. It is also known as the Fox Paulistinha or the Terrier Brasileiro, and it is one of the only two native Brazilian breeds.

As far as the appearance is concerned, it does not differ much from the Jack Russell it is said to have been developed from. It can grow up to 14-16 inches tall and can come to weigh 14-20 lbs. It has a narrow compact body. The coat of the Brazilian Terrier is short and can come in three colors, white and tan, with black, brown or blue. The nose of the breed is moderately developed, the nostrils are wide. It has a flat skull and folded years. The tail can be docked or natural, according to the wish of the owner.

Breeders strongly recommend this dog to house owners, as it will need at least a small yard to run around and play in. The dog is a great digger, a hunter and loves to bark. Although it is a small dog, apartment life is not suited for the breed, due to its energetic character. Another important trait of the Brazilian Terrier is that it is a great ratter, so, if you are having such a problem and are thinking of adopting a cat but love dogs more, than this is the best deal for you. These terriers can also make excellent watchdogs, as they are very attached and loyal to the family and suspicious of strangers. When feeling a threat, you can rely on this little dog to ring the alarm.

If you like spending time outdoor and just admire nature, the Brazilian Terrier will make sure to give you a show. It is perky, intelligent, curious, always sniffing around for smaller animals, always willing to play. Hyperactive children will certainly find a match in this dog, which can literally run circles around them until they get tired, and it will still want to play some more. Having a yard will provide the dog with some activity at all times, as it has a tendency to become restless when bored. If you have a passion for hunting or taking walks in the woods, you could not find a better suited breed.

The life expectancy of the breed is standard of 12 14 years old. Its short coat make it easy to groom but clears the way to skin allergies and rashes you must keep it safe from. Overall, the breed has few health problems future owners should be aware of. Specialists recommend the Brazilian Terrier to young families with front or back yards.

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