The Brussels Griffon

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A Small Dog with a Huge Heart

The Brussels Griffon is a dog breed that has its origins in Brussels, Belgium. Also know by the names of Griffon Bruxellois, Belgium Griffon or Petit Brabançon, this dog has several nicknames, such as Griffon, Griff or Bruss, and it is a toy dog. This type of breed is small, with no special abilities for activities like hunting or guarding, but rather familiar with playing and accompanying its owners everywhere, just like a toy.

A small sized dog, the Brussels Griffon is a breed that has a general innocent appearance. Because it is small, people do not consider it as being dangerous and they usually prefer it to other breeds, especially because it does well in small spaces (apartments). The Griffon has a black, short nose and relatively small ears; on the other hand, the head is big in general and the eyes, which are set wide apart, as well. As a distinctive feature of this breed, one should mention that the hair on its head is longer compared to the rest of the body (in most cases), even creating the impression of a moustache and beard.

With a life span of 12-15 years, these dogs will be around 18-20 centimeters tall and will weigh between 3-6 kilograms (with small differences, depending on the gender). Being little, the Brussels Griffon is also a bit sensitive as to what health is concerned, so the owners need to be careful respiratory and eye problems may occur and they are sensitive when it comes to heat. A female Griffon can give birth to 1-3 puppies (the average is 2), but it will need help in the matter, and a cesarean will usually be necessary.

This breeds coat may be either rough, in which case the hair will be dense and wiry, or smooth, when the fur will be short, straight, tight and glossy this happens because the Brussels Griffon actually has a series of sub-breeds that have certain differences, but, because of the similarities, they have been grouped under the same name. The coat may come in several shades (red, black and tan, solid black) and markings can appear on different parts of the body.

As to what grooming is concerned, in the case of the short coat, there will be no problems, since it is easy to take care of; the rough coat, on the other hand, is harder to maintain and requires more attention. Regular brushing and washing whenever it is necessary should do the trick. This breed does not shed too much, and keep in mind that the coat can always be trimmed.

The Brussels Griffon is a loving dog and needs a lot of attention from its owner. It is usually not aggressive or shy, but rather affectionate and with a strong “snuggle instinct”. Since it is sensitive, the owner should be careful to socialize it from an early age. This dog will develop a stronger bond with just one member of the family and will get along well with other pets.

Being small, the Griffon makes the ideal pet for an apartment it adapts well to such living conditions and does not need a yard to be happy, like other pets. It will be very active indoors and all it needs to keep in shape is a daily walk in the park and some games with its beloved owner.

Small but with a strong personality, little but with a huge heart, the Brussels Griffon is the perfect pet it will love you, be devoted, keep you company at all times and always make you smile; all you have to do is give it a bit of attention and it will steal your heart away.

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