The Galgo Espanol

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A Ballet Dancer in the Open Field

The Galgo Espanol, also known as Spanish Greyhound, is an ancient breed used mainly for hunting. This breed is guided by sight and speed instead of scent. This traditional Spanish dog accompanied aristocracy for centuries not only for hunting hares, but also for racing.

This aristocratic dog looks just as if it wore a corset, its curved shapes and small waist reminding us of the 19th century ladies. But these hounds are more than beauty models, they are fast runners and experts in sudden turnings. Even though their constitution makes us want to feed them more, they are far from fragile. They are also similar to Greyhounds, but their conformation differs. Firstly, unlike the Greyhound, Galgo EspaƱol must be able to gallop continuously and, secondly, the latter is smaller and not as muscular as the former.

This runner is light in build, has narrow head with long and delicate muzzle, long and flat neck, low withers and curved loin. Its distinct feature is its wide chest and small waist; its rib cage must not reach the elbow. Its feet are long and hare-like and its tail is thin and long, with lateral hook.

The coat comes in two different types: smooth and rough. Even if the smooth coat offers them more elegance, the rough coat protects them from skin injuries while running. It can have a variety of colors and coat patterns, such as: brindle, black, golden, toasted, cinnamon, yellow, red, white, white with patches and any other color, with white muzzle and forehead.

There are no major differences in size between genders. The male measures 62-70 cm and the female 60-68.

This dog is very mannered when it comes to city life, but it needs sufficient opportunities for movement. It is extremely gentle and calm, and does not harm defenseless people. It is also very quiet and tends to be shy and reserved, so it needs proper socialization to grow up safely and comfortable around strangers or other animals. Although it is a native runner, its energy can be stopped while it stays at home, because it really enjoys sleeping after a race. But it still requires lots of exercise and space for a healthy development. Unlike the other dogs, this one can be very friendly with cats, so the owner must not worry.

Even if they look fragile, they are a healthy breed, but they are sensitive to anesthesia. The owner must keep in mind that the veterinarian should be aware of this issue. Their light constitution keeps them away from hip dysplasia and other diseases. However, to remain in perfect shape, they must run regularly. Grooming is minimal - they only need occasional brushing and bathing.

The Spanish Greyhound is the ideal companion for the ones who love to exercise and then sleep for the rest of the day. In general, the proper owner must be an active person who can offer it the possibility of practicing its natural job. Because it is very intelligent, the Galgo Espanol can adapt to different situations or locations and can be very easily trained.

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