The Canadian Eskimo Dog

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he Canadian Eskimo dog a rear jewel among dogs.

The History of the Canadian Eskimo Dogs
Very old residents of the Arctic region, the Canadian Eskimo Dogs where first bred by the Thule people some approximately 2000 years ago. And since then, they have been used by the Canadian Inuit people for hunting seals and polar bears, Arctic games and hauling supplies and people by sleds, basically assisting the survival of the Inuit families. Since recently, some scientists have believed that the Canadian Eskimo Dogs are wolf related. But, later genetic studies denied any recent wolf ancestry and revealed a great genetic similarity with the Greenland dog instead.

In the 50s and 70s, the breed started to decline dramatically due to mass killings that occurred in that interval of time. The results of those massacres were so great, that todays total number of Canadian Eskimo dogs is 279, a number which was verified and confirmed by the Canadian Kennel Club.

The Physical Description of the Breed
The average weight of the Canadian Eskimo Dogs is 66 to 88 pounds (30-40 kg) for males and 40 to 66 pounds (18-30 kg) for females, with a height of 23 to 28 inches (58-70cm) for males and 19 to 23 inches (50-60cm) for females. Usually, the weight and the height of these dogs are well proportionate to each other. They are athletic and imposing in appearance, and have a very powerful physic. Their looks were often compared with those of wolfs, but there are significant visible differences between them, such as their posture and the length of their tails. The Canadian Eskimo Dogs coat is dense and with a thicker fur around the neck, making the males seem bigger. Their color varies a lot, and their coats come in solid colors of black, white and silver, with white socks and markings on their faces, but never over their eyes.

The Activity and the Temperament of the Canadian Eskimo Dogs
For the ones who want to acquire such a dog, they should know that Canadian Eskimo Dogs need a large and constant amount of exercise. They will never settle with just a walk and they will always need a higher intensity work, usually more exercise than many owners can provide. As a result, these dogs are perfect for dog sports such as carting for example. They should also be kept in cold climates due to the fact that they have a high disposition to heatstroke. Other than that, the Canadian Eskimo Dogs coat needs to be brushed only once or twice a week if not shedding. When this happens though, they need to be groomed every day.

The Personality of the Canadian Eskimo Dogs
The Canadian Eskimo Dogs temperament is the reflection of its original environment and work. They are very loyal, gentle and affectionate dogs. Consequently, they are fast in developing deep bonds with their owners. They are also playful, very intelligent and tend to be stubborn. Because they were often required to hunt for their own food, this breed has a stronger pray drive compared to some other breeds. The Canadian Eskimo Dogs also adore cold weather and can be quite vocal.

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