Cambodian Razorback Dog

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If your desire is to have a dog that has great interesting uncommon looks, is friendly, loyal, but also protective with you and your family, then the Cambodian Razorback Dog is the perfect choice for you. However, if you decide you want to be the owner of such a dog it would be advantageous for you to live in a house with a medium or large yard, because The Cambodian Razorback Dogs need plenty of room to exercise considering that this breed that likes hunting.

The History of the Cambodian Razorback Dogs
The Cambodian Razorbacks Dogs were first found in the Mekong River Valley of Cambodia. Their roots are unknown, but presumably they are the descendants of the same basic pariah common dog found in Asia and Africa. They are a well-known breed to the people who live in the area between Lao border and Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. In their native country, these dogs do not have a name because the Cambodians were unable to found one for them. Moreover, the Cambodian Razorback Dogs are not recognized by any kennel club. As a result, Dr. Christian and Dr. Bopha Berger are now in Cambodia conducting a breeding project through which they hope to get the international recognition of this breed.

The Physical Description of the Breed
In terms of appearance, the Cambodian Razorback Dogs males have a height of 20 inches (50.8cm) or more and a weight of up to 60 pounds (27kig). The females are a little smaller than the males of the breed, but not significantly. They are also the proud possessors of an interesting long coat, which can seem a little odd for a “Tropical Dog”. However, this detail does not bother them since they do not overheat easily. The Cambodian Razorback Dogs have a bushy tail and a distinctive pronounced 2 inch high ridge on their back. The color of their coats varies, but the most common combinations are made out of white and black, blue, brown and fawn, or solid colors with the exception of white. In general, these dogs are muscular with short deep throats, broad skulls, pronounced cheek muscles, short forefaces and black noses. Their eyes are dark and round, medium sized, set to look straight ahead and sometimes blue colored. They also have pricked and alert ears.

The Activity and the Temperament of the Cambodian Razorback Dogs
The Cambodian Razorback Dogs are dogs with a powerful and confident attitude. They are natural guard dogs, and as a result, they can be protective and territorial regarding strangers. They can also be used in hunting, and they only bark if it is necessary for them to do so. Important to remember for anyone who wishes to buy Cambodian Razorback Dogs is that they need to be socialized at an early age.

The Personality of the Cambodian Razorback Dog
In terms of personality, against all odds the Cambodian Razorback Dogs are a very loyal and loving breed. They are known for their loyalty, friendliness and courage towards their family. However, they become very protective and territorial when it comes to strangers.

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