Bouvier des Flanders

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he Source of Joy in Your Family

The Bouvier des Flanders, also known as Toucheur de Boeuf, Vuilbaard, Flanders Cattle Dog or Vlaamse Koehond, comes from Belgium; the breeds name is related to the activities these dogs have been associated with throughout history, the translation (Cow Herder of Flanders) strongly supporting its Flemish characteristics and origins. Originally used as farm pets, to maintain order among cattle and sheep, nowadays, thanks to their strong leadership skills, these dogs are given responsibilities such as guard or police dogs; their personality makes them perfect pets as well.

Bouvier des Flanders dogs are large, very strong, with well built muscles. The fur is dense, with a dry and rough outer coat, while the undercoat is soft; fur colors differ (the breed may come in black, grey or blonde) and sometimes have a white spot on the chest. The head gives the dog a mysterious aura because of the shaggy hair that covers its oval, dark brown eyes (if not trimmed) and the thick beard formed under the mouth. Since the coat has these specific properties, special care is highly necessary periodical trimming, bathing and brushing, and so on; if taken care of in the right manner, these dogs will not shed too much.

The sizes of the two genders are quite different: males are between 58-71 centimeters high and weigh around 34-50 kilograms, while females are a bit shorter (56-69 centimeters), but 10-15 kilograms lighter (27-36 kilograms).

With a life span of 10 to 12 years and the ability to give birth to 5-10 puppies (the average number is 8), the Bouvier des Flanders are strong, healthy dogs in general. Issues that may appear are related to hip dysplasia and eye problems, but these can be avoided with appropriate care. Also, because of their good muscular structure, these dogs are very resistant to pain; but this can, sometimes, become a problem, since it prevents the veterinarian to determine where the animal is hurting when manipulating its body.

Since the body structure is built for physical activities, these dogs will always be active, full of energy and will need a lot of exercise, like long walks, running or various games. This breed can get used to an apartment life as well, as long as it is regularly exercised.

Though these dogs can be intimidating at first sight, they are actually obedient, gentle and loving. Bouvier des Flanders are enthusiastic and have a strong sense of responsibility, being fearless and easy to train, which makes them good guard dogs. They may develop dominance issues and become over-protective, so one should be aware of these possibilities when educating them and prevent them from happening. Also, it is best to socialize them from an early age to avoid introversion. The Bouvier also easily adapts to children, it is very loyal and caring, and, thus, it makes the perfect pet.

If in need of a loyal friend for you and your family, the Bouvier des Flanders is the best choice and promises to offer you a lot of love, obedience, protection and, thanks to its lively personality, many reasons to smile.

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