The Dogo Argentino

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A Breed That Will Develop Nicely Under The Training Of The Right Owner

The Dogo Argentino, known under the name of Argentine Mastiff as well, is a large, white-colored and strong-muscled dog. It was originally developed so that it would be involved in big-game hunting, with wild boar, mountain lion, red fox and puma intended to be chased, among others.

Its history starts in 1928, when it was first bred by Antonio Nores Martinez. Assisted by his brother, Agustin, he aimed at creating a new canine breed that would serve man in the hunting process given certain qualities that it should have had: fine scent, great tracking capabilities, bravery and loyalty. A wide array of breeds was used in developing the Dogo Argentino, among which the Cordoba Fighting Dog and the Great Dane can be mentioned. Twenty years were needed for the breed that Antonio Martinez dreamt of to finally be obtained and ready for a public appearance. The dog managed to prove its qualities in the wilderness of Argentina as well as in obedience and agility trials, weight pulling, Schutzhund (a breed suitability test), therapy, sled racing and work for the police forces in search and rescue operations. It has also proved itself as an efficient guide dog for the blind and visually impaired.

Its physical traits include a deep-set wide chest, a muscular neck with an abundance of skin covering it, a massive head and teeth that meet in a scissors bite. Its eyes vary in color from light to dark brown or hazel and they are well set apart. Their rims are either pink of black. The dogs ears are usually cropped so that they are erect and triangular-shaped. Its thighs are muscular, it has a short hock and usually there are no dewclaws present. It has a thick white coat and no undercoat. Sometimes it will have a black spot on its head (“pirata”), but not all clubs accept the dogs having this trait.

Where this canine breeds temperament is concerned, it should first be said that it makes a great hunting dog but also a good home and family guardian. It can actually be very playful and loving with children. The Argentine Dogo is powerful but also very intelligent and it responds well to training so long as it is trained with consistency and with firm authority, but while being shown love also. It is a dog that needs an owner who can properly display leadership, someone who is firm and confident and who understands that the Argentine Dogo must be given rules to follow and explained the limits it should observe. Actually, the dogs owner must become the leader of the pack in its eyes so that the dogs natural instinct of having an order in its pack is complied with. It is best that the dog be raised together with other pets from puppyhood if they are to get along well.

The Dogo Argentino is a powerful and intelligent dog that will do well in hunting games but as a home dog too, as long as obedience training is implemented early and its owners can show it firm authority and love at the same time.

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