The Hairless Khala

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A Warm Support and a Cosy Friend

The Hairless Khala, or the Argentine Pila dog, is a breed found mostly in the Central and South America. The name of the breed, “khala”, means “without clothing” in the language of the Quechua Indians. The history of these dogs is not well defined; they were not around the Inca colony, but they gradually spread over these regions as watchdogs or bed warmers - because their skin was feeling very warm. Their period of success was in the 20th century when having an exotic pet was very fashionable. However, this success has led to a disappointing result and the purity of the breed was almost lost.

The Hairless Khala is found in 3 sizes: small (10-14 inches), medium (14-18 inches) and large (over 18 inches). Their structure is basically the same, only the sizes differ. In general, the dog has a slender construction with delicate, yet flexible, shapes. Its movement is elastic and easy with quick short steps. The head is moderately large, with a wide forehead. The muzzle is narrow and elongated. The eyes are almond shaped and their colours vary from black to yellow. The ears are set very high and carried erect. The neck is solid and thick, the chest is moderately deep and the back is slightly arched. The legs look very thin and delicate, but they are powerful enough to transform this dog into a great climber and jumper. The airy body gives it mobile movements and agility. Usually, this breed has no hair, but some of the dogs can have some. The skin of these dogs is very warm. Even if it has the same temperature as the other dogs, their skin feels warmer because of the lack of an insulating coat. The colour of it is usually dark-gray.

This breed is highly recommended for the ones who are allergic to animals. They are not extremely energetic outdoors, so the owner does not have to be a very dynamic person. They can adapt very easily to the apartment life, but they still need daily walks and regular exercises. They will happily fulfil any job you give them and, with a little training, they become very obedient. Even if they are watchdogs, they are not aggressive with strangers, they prefer just to bark to threaten them. It is incredible to believe, but these dogs sense that they are quite different than the others and, therefore, their methods are different. They feel vulnerable and tend to isolate if they are not socialize from an early age. They are good with children of all ages and love the company of other pets.

Even if they do not have any coat, their skin needs a lot of attention. Make sure they are not exposed to the sun too much. Their skin requires the same care as ours - bathe or at least rub it with a washcloth regularly. They do not tolerate cold weather, so make sure you put some clothes on them. They do not have any health concerns and can live for about 10 years. The Hairless Khala is a lovely dog that needs a good and stable companion to offer it a cosy home to live in.

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