The Hamilton Hound

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A Daring Hunter and a Skilled Worker

The Hamilton Hound, also known as the Swedish Foxhound, is a Swedish breed of dog used for hunting. This hound is deeply rooted in Swedens folklore and it is found in most of the stories. This type of dog is quite rare outside its country.

The Hamilton Hound has a sturdy body and a stable constitution. Its robust construction and agility makes it a reliable hunter. It is well-proportioned and of medium size. The head is fine, long and flat. The skull is slightly arched. The whole head looks rectangular. The muzzle is fairly long and large. The nose is always black with large nostrils. The upper lips are full. The eyes are, perhaps, the second most striking feature beside the colour of the coat because of their clarity, shape and colour. They have a look full of compassion and a vivid expression. Their colour is dark brown. The ears are set fairly high and stay floppy. The jaws are massive and powerful. The neck is long and thick and the chest is wide and deep. The trunk of this hound is long and the loin is muscular. The legs are muscular and stable and the back is arched. The tail is long, thin and set low. It is wide at the base and narrow at the tip.

The coat is very dense, double and offers it a lot of protection against weather changes. It has 2 layers: the short undercoat which is soft and thick and the upper coat that is weather-resistant. The breed has white marks on the head, neck, paws and tip of the tail. The upper side of the neck, back, trunk and parts of the tail are black. Other parts of the head, legs, trunk and tail are brown. As usual, the males are bigger than the females. The first ones are 21 to 24 inches tall (53-61 cm) and the second ones are 19 to 22, 5 inches tall (46-57cm). Their average weigh is 50 to 60 pounds (22-27 kg).

This hound is very sweet and friendly, although it has a serious expression when working. It is dedicated to its job and to its master and is very loyal. It usually hunts alone, beside its master, and is always ready to track the prey. It needs to be guided by a gentle, but firm owner. This breed does well as a pet, but the owner must not forget that it is a hard working hound who likes to be busy all the time. It requires a lot of physical exercise alongside some hunting. It is good natured dog, but it must be trained as a pup to develop safely and healthy. It needs a lot of space to run and hunt. It is suitable for large houses with yards and farms.

This breed is easy to groom; Hamilton hounds need regular brushing and occasional washing. Make sure the ears remain clean and dry. They are healthy dogs with a lot of energy, and can live up to 12 years. The Hamilton Hound is a wonderful hound that is willing to offer its service and soul to a family with older children or to a dynamic person.

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