Cypro Kukur

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The Guard Dog of the Indian Hills
Cypro Kukur, also known as the Kumaon Mastiff, is a breed tjathas its origins in India. It was originally bred as a watch dog, as a guardian for the ancient Indian Kumaon (the name of a hill region) tribes. Although there is no real evidence stating that the breed was introduced here from Cyprus, there are some specialists who think that it might have been brought over by Alexander the Greats soldiers in 300 B.C., during his invasion of India. There is no official and prominent registry of the dog.

Appearance of the breed
This is a very large breed, fairly resembling the Great Danes. On average, the dog can reach 28 inches in height. They have lean, muscular bodies, well-boned, with large and powerful heads and strong necks. The coat is short and soft and it comes in various shades, ranging from dark to light shades.

Personality and abilities
The breed is known as an aggressive one. Although friendly and attached to the master and his family, the Cypro Kukur is an excellent watch dog and guardian, as it does not tolerate strangers. It is obedient to its master but it is rather difficult to train. Although in the case of most dogs socialization is recommended, this breed does not tolerate other dogs around it by nature, and it is not recommended as a second pet. If socialization will start in early stages of the training, something can be done about the aggressiveness of the dog, however, potential owners should always keep in mind that the instincts cannot be tricked and that the dog must be kept under watch the whole period of time while it is in the company of other pets.

Care and maintenance
This is not a high maintenance dog, as far as grooming and health care are concerned. The short coat only needs periodical brushing. Brushing it once a week will suffice. There are no known health problems, as the breed has not been studied enough due to the small number of specimens. One thing this dog surely needs is a lot of exercise. This will ensure that the dog has a good body tonus and that it will wear out some of its energy and will make it calmer and more docile when in such a state.

As interesting and majestic as it seems, as rare and impressive, the breed we have just presented is much more demanding than it seems. Setting aside the low maintenance costs, the experience of the potential dog owner is vital when handling such a dog. Its aggressiveness does not recommend it to people who have never had a dog before, because, as loyal and attached to the family as it may become, it can get out of hand when coming in contact with strangers or other animals. An experienced and assertive dog owner, with no other pets and a property to guard will be happiest with the Cypro Kukur as long as he/she is aware of the real responsibility such an impressive dog implies.

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