Curly-Coated Retriever

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A Rare Breed with the Qualities of the Retriever

If you have a chance to adopt or buy a Curly Coated-Retriever, or if you simply get one for Christmas, you should know that you are one of the few people in the world to own such a dog. The breed, originating from England as a descendant of several hunting breeds, the English and Irish Water Spaniels, the Irish Setter, the retriever and the Labrador, is rather rare in the USA. More dogs of this particular breed can be found in Australia or New Zeeland. The breed was first introduced to America in 1907 and it was officially recognized in 1924.

Appearance of the breed

The name alone gives away one of its main traits, the curly coat. This is about the one distinctive trait that sets it apart from the Wavy/Flat Coated Retriever. Apart from that, the overall appearance of the breed is similar to its "cousin", balanced and well-proportioned. It has a wedge-shaped head, round at the bottom, a deep chest, strong and muscular fore and hindquarters. It generally comes in two colors: black or liver. The dogs nose and eyes usually match the color of the coat. Dogs can grow up to 69 cm at the withers, whereas bitches can grow up to 64 cm.

Personality and abilities
Intelligent and steady, bold and self-confident, the Curly Coated-Retriever can be thought of as the “poster dog” of companionship. Originally bred for retrieving for hunters, the dog has proven reliable in other areas as well, such as competitions, canine sports, watching, guarding. They make great therapy dogs as well. Breed owners must be aware of the fact that it is their obligation to let the dog socialize, otherwise they risk growing timid and reserved. Overall, the dog is obedient, a fast learner, willing to please the master and easy to get along with. Thorough training should start in puppyhood.

Care and maintenance
Although it is prone to some hereditary diseases, such as hip dysplasia, epilepsy and eye problems, if cared for properly, your pet will never have such issues. Specialists recommend a lot of physical and mental exercise. As far as grooming goes, the curly coat is easy to take care of, with bathes whenever it is necessary. Although regular brushing is recommended during the shedding periods, it is ill-advised otherwise, because the coat tends to become frizzy. The breed is known as an average shedder. Life expectancy is of 8-12 years.

Although the breed is rather rare in the USA, one thing is known for sure. The dog shares the reliable character of the Flat-Coated Retriever, an all-American breed. The distinctive trait of the curly coat can only make it special. The dog is a reliable companion, friendly and intelligent, obedient and loyal. It will aim at making you proud in competitions, safe in your own home, and, what is most important, it will never let you feel alone. The Curly-Coated Retriever will develop a very strong attachment to his master and his family and his loyalty will not need proving.

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