Drentse Patrijshond

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Do You Need a Pet to Offer You Joy and Affection? Get a Drentse Patrijshond Dog

The Drentse Patrijshond is one of the most versatile hunting dogs. The origins of this spaniel-type dog (resembling also the setter types) are Dutch. This is the reason why these dogs are also called Dutch Patridge Dogs or Drent dogs - name referring to the rural Dutch province of Drenthe.

The main feature of this beautiful dog breed is that it is considered both an excellent pointer and a retriever, due to its excellent sense of smelling. It will do a great job no matter if it is used on fields or marshes, and will hunt all game, from birds to small mammals like rabbits, hares and foxes, as it hunts with good speed. Because these dogs are quick learners, they can also be trained to be watch dogs, as well as children's playmates; you can even train them to pull carts.

What are the main physical features?
Most of the dogs of this breed will be white with brown or orange markings, covering the backside up to the tail. As it is the case with haunt dogs, the Drent dogs have a powerful muscular back. The arched and broad head, with a black nose, continues with a short and very strong neck, which is one original feature for this breed. The legs are straight and very well-muscled. The body is covered with dense coat of medium-length hair, which is longer on the front of the chest. The dogs of this breed can get to 55- 63 cm in height and weigh 22 - 29 kg.

How does a Drentse Patrijshond behave?
This dog is extremely loving and loyal to his owners. He will always be eager to please the family members and will be particularly playful with children. At the same time, he is cautious with strangers, so this is what makes him one of the best watch dogs. Even if he usually gets along well with other dogs, extra care needs to be taken with small pets like rabbits or birds, due to its hunting instincts.

The Drent dog is very intelligent and willing to learn new things all the time, therefore it is easy to train, even if it tends to be stubborn sometimes. Being such an active dog, it is highly recommended that he be taken out in open space to run, play and exercise his instincts - otherwise, he will soon get bored. This is the reason why this dog is not at all suitable to be kept into an apartment.

What else do I need to know about Drent dogs?
There are no important health issues to be careful at. However, this breed proves to be prone to progressive retinal atrophy and hereditary stomatocytosis. The Drent dog needs to be groomed and combed weekly, especially during shedding period. It is essential to be taken outdoors and exercise.

If you are looking for a loving and loyal pet, get a Drentse Patrijshond if you have the opportunity - it will be a great watch dog and a trustful friend to have around.

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