East-European Shepherd

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A Strong And Intelligent Army Dog

The East-European Shepherd is a breed that was especially created for the army. The German Shepherd was mixed with some other breeds and this is how the new one was created, in 1930.

Recognition. This breed is recognized by the Continental Kennel Club, the Dog Registry of America and the Russian Kynological Federation.

These dogs can be medium-sized or large-sized. Their body is very strong, with well developed muscles and powerful bones. Their head is proportional to the body, it is wedge-shaped and massive. The teeth are large, closing in a scissors bite.

Height: male dogs can reach between 26 and 30 inches; females will measure 24 to 28 inches.

Weight: usually, around 90 pounds.

An East-European Shepherd will have very few health problems, as this breed has an excellent immune system.

Temperamental characteristics:
These dogs are extremely protective when it comes to their family, making excellent guard dogs. They will protect their owners no matter what.
They are also very agile and playful, so children play with them to their hearts' content, but owners should be careful in this regard, because these dogs are a little insecure when it comes to strangers. If the dog knows the children very well, then everything will be alright. Their devotion to family is widely known.
Taking into consideration the fact that this breed was created for a service (army), you should know that such a dog will be happy if it always has some kind of task to achieve. It is like a natural instinct.
Such a dog is very loyal and balanced. It is the type of dog you can rely on, with no worries at all.
These dogs are also communicative: they will let you know when there is something wrong (through growling) and when they are happy (it is easy to guess, by simply looking into the animals eyes).

Living conditions: Usually, East European Shepherds can live in an apartment or a small house, but it would be preferable to let your dog live outdoors. A cool climate is not a problem for this breed - they are not sensitive to low temperatures.

Exercise: European Shepherd dogs are working dogs. They need to exercise every day, because they have too much energy to stay indoors. If the daily exercise is not enough for them, they may focus on something else (running through the bedrooms, for instance).

Maintenance: It is recommended to brush the dogs fur at least once every two weeks. It will make the dog feel good, and you will be proud of how beautiful your pet looks.

European Shepherd puppies are not difficult to find at all, and it is a real pleasure to nurture the puppy from the first months of life. So, if you want the best guard dog for you and your family, do not think twice and go for an East-European Shepherd dog: protective, loyal, intelligent, friendly, agile, strong, devoted; it has all the qualities possible, and you will definitely love it more than you can imagine now!

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