Deutsche Bracke

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Do You Want To Have Your Own Deutsche Bracke? Here Is What You Should Know

The Deutsche Bracke, as the name suggests, is a breed of dogs originating in Germany, more precisely in the region of Westphalia. It is also known as the German Hound, being rather rare outside Germany. Part of the scenthound group, this breed is used for hunting small and big game, such as deer or rabbit. As hunting dogs, their role is to scent, track and hunt game. The first writings and paintings illustrating the German Hounds date from the 18th century.

The colors on their coat remind of the Beagle, but there is no scientific evidence that they descend from this breed or other ones like the English Pointer and Foxhound breeds, as it is believed to be.

The dogs of these breed are considered elegant, due to their rectangular body and dignified posture. They also distinguish themselves by their long narrow head and tail and their long drop ears. Their height is usually of 40 - 53 centimeters (16 21 inches) and their weight is of approximately 20 kilograms (44 pounds).

They are energetic and sociable dogs with an outgoing attitude. They love to have a task and they build a strong, loyal relationship with their owners, being quite loving and affectionate pets. Proper socialization, since puppyhood, can only lead to good interactions with other pets. Due to their need to affiliate to a pack, they will immediately become friends with other dogs. They also have the advantage of getting along well with small children.

The German Hounds are intelligent and obedient dogs that can be easily trained to perform various tricks and tasks. They are usually willing to learn and seek human leadership. The training should be based on trust and respect and should be done in a firm, but, also, gentle manner. Confidence, consistence and patience are required to a good trainer.

Another good thing about this breed is the low maintenance coat that requires little grooming: occasional brushing to remove dead hair and ear passages cleaning when needed.

The Deutsche Bracke dogs should not be kept in an apartment or small spaces, because they need space to run, play and exercise, for they are very active and enjoy spending time outdoors. If you are planning on acquiring a puppy of this breed you have to take into account not only the space you provide, but also the amount of time you are willing to spend with it, especially for exercising and playing. Otherwise, it may become destructive and adopt unwanted behaviors like barking or chewing.

These dogs are very curious and have the instincts of a hunter. Therefore, they may have the tendency of chasing unfamiliar small animals. It is best to keep them leashed while spending time outdoors.

This breed may suffer from some common healthy issues like hip dysplasia and various eye problems: cataract, progressive retinal atrophy and glaucoma.

The Deutsche Bracke may be a hunting dog at its origins, but, it has also proven to be an affectionate and loving family pet.

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