The Cirneco Dell Etna

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Why Is the Cirneco Dell 'Etna a Special Choice for a Special Owner?

This elegant and robust breed is special in aspect and in its behavior; the Cirneco Dell 'Etna is a medium sized dog whose skills focus around hunting, scenting and exploring. Also, its sight and hearing are very sharp.

This is an old breed, having been present in Sicily for many years. It has common origins with the Pharaoh Hound. It was used in the past as a hunter, especially in adverse conditions like high temperatures, rugged terrain or lack of food and water. In 1939, the breed was acknowledged by the Italian Kennel Club. This breed can be found very often around the Etna volcano, situated on the east coast of Sicily - hence the name of the breed.

The Cirneco is a medium sized dog, strong, slim and elegant, with upright ears that are always alert due to its very developed sense of hearing. The males are between 18 and 20 inches high, while females vary between 16 and 19 inches in height. The color of the Cirneco varies between shades of light and dark brown. This breed weighs from 18 to 27 pounds.

Besides the native athleticism, they do well in obedience and have a reputation for being easy to train, with the condition that the training sessions be short.

If left outdoors the Cirneco Dell 'Etna will happily chase mice, cats or other small animals, as they are sensitive to movement. They are also expert jumpers and passionate diggers. So be aware of food on the tables.

This is a very active breed that takes play seriously. They are devoted to their first instinct - hunting. They are fast runners. But all these chasing skills will transform the Cirneco into a bored, destructive and noisy animal if he is not well socialized. Growing up with other fellow pets is important for this dog's stability and training. Otherwise, his social skills will suffer and he might even be easily scared. Its education needs to be mild and to the point, following the line of chasing challenges instead of trying to transform such an active pet into a watch dog. Rewards are very important.

In terms of maintenance, this breed is easy to look after, as these are not big dogs. They have a short glossy coat that just needs a weekly brushing. This is an elegant and pretentious breed that is most suitable for indoors, and should not be exposed to very cold temperatures.

The Cierno has a strong and independent temperament, necessary for the hunter that it is. Even so, it fits families very well, being affectionate with its masters. It is a clever and agile dog, its strong reflexes making it a good guard dog. He will be very affectionate to children, though.

This is generally a healthy dog, but should not be exposed to harsh weather conditions due to its short coat and sensitive skin. Otherwise, they might catch frequent colds or other associated problems. The Cirneco Dell 'Etna is a rare dog and its skills make it unique, as it is the perfect combination between a domestic dog and an agile hunter.

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